ELSEVIER Allergy Your Questions Answered by Helen Smith and Alan Frew
Allergic conditions are extremely common and have increased considerably in frequency in the past few decades. These range from relatively mild symptoms, which sufferers can manage themselves, right through to very serious allergies, which can be life-threatening. This book, written by a practising GP and an allergy specialist, is in the popular Q and A format of the "Your Questions Answered" series. It provides succinct, expert information on all types of allergies, with an emphasis on evidence-based, up-to-date knowledge. Although aimed mainly at the primary care practitioner, it also addresses many questions asked about allergy by general physicians, medical students, practice nurses and people with allergies. The book discusses all aspects of diagnosis and management and includes some frequently asked patient questions, in non-medical language. It also identifies sources of further information, from websites to patient associations and self-help organizations.