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Democratizing The Police at Meripustak

Democratizing The Police by G R S Rao, Shipra Publications

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)G R S Rao
    PublisherShipra Publications
    Publish YearJanuary 2013


    Shipra Publications Democratizing The Police by G R S Rao

    Democratization, however logical and laudable, in historical terms, involves the challenge of facing and containing anti-democratic forces, both internal and external, within the framework of democratic ethic. Freedom, in its first flush, has also an in-built self destructive tendency like a flashflood, of disturbing the ground conditions, generating indiscipline and turbulence in any society in pursuit of democratization leading to, as is being witnessed all over, the phenomenon of violent democracies a contradiction. In the newly emerging democracies, police organizations that had their origins during colonial times, subserving the alien kings and interests of emperors were designed to maintain status quo. They tend to continue to exude the same colonial ethos. In India, the democratic political process that has turned partisan and malignant, has not yet taken up the agenda and process of transformation of democratizing the police. The agenda, if any, in real terms, has been painfully slow, halting and not comprehensive. The book is all about what, why and how of transformation of the Police as a sine qua non for the police to be able to aid, protect and promote the democratic character of the nation.

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