Mc Graw Hill India Engineering Circuit Analysis 10E by Jr William H Hayt and Jack E Kemmerly and Jamie D Phillips and Steven M Durbin
Engineering Circuit Analysis stands out for its student-centered approach, making complex circuit concepts accessible to learners at all levels. This text is written so students may teach the science of circuit analysis to themselves. Terms are clearly defined, basic material appears toward the beginning of each chapter and is explained carefully and in detail, and numerical examples are used to introduce and suggest general results.The book's rich pedagogy supports and encourages the student throughout by offering tips and warnings, using design to highlight key material, and providing lots of opportunities for hands-on learning. The thorough exposition of topics is delivered in an informal way that underscores the authors’ conviction that circuit analysis can and should be fun.Salient Features• Each chapter is organized into relatively short subsections having a single primary topic respectively.• New terms are defined as they are introduced, and examples are placed strategically to demonstrate not only basic concepts, but problem-solving approaches as well.• Practice Problems available based on examples for students to practice.• Rich end-of-chapter pedagogy -- end of chapter problems are arranged based on their complexity and objectives.