Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Essentials Of Clinical Neurology For The Psychiatrist by Ambar Chakravarty
Key FeaturesThe present volume is perhaps the only comprehensive text published from Asia in English language to discuss the essentials of clinical neurology primarily meant for both trainee and trained psychiatrists.Through 34 chapters and 18 commentaries, the neuropsychiatric manifestations of nearly all commonly encountered neurological disorders have been discussed in reasonable detail highlighting important diagnostic and therapeutic issues.Basic clinical neurological aspects of conditions such as headache, epilepsy, strokes, and movement disorders have been discussed specially for trainee psychiatrists to keep them abreast with current developments in these fields.Neurological and systemic medical illnesses may initially present with psychiatric symptoms and thus may cause delay in implementing appropriate therapy. This major pitfall or red flag in clinical psychiatric practice have been stressed upon in more than one chapter in the book.Dementias lie at the borderland between neurology and psychiatry. Diagnostic aspects of dementias, their various subtypes, and specially the rapidly progressive ones including the ones which are treatable have been discussed in detail in more than one chapters.Diagnosis of functional neurological disorders is a major challenge for both the neurologists and psychiatrists. The positive and negative features of such disorders have also been highlighted in some chapters and commentaries.The historical notes on the development of the subspeciality of neuropsychiatry and the changing concepts on the nature of the illness commonly designated as hysteria would be of interest to read for both neurologists and psychiatrists.