CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd. Essentials of Ethics, Laws, Professionalism and Management for Physiotherapy students by Dr Suvarna Ganvir
• Learning Objectives in the beginning of every Chapter help readers understand the purpose of the chapter.
• Chapter Outline gives a glimpse of the content covered in the chapter.
• Key Terms are added in each chapter to help understand difficult scientific terms in easy language.
• Extra information related to the respective topic is covered under the High-Yield Points boxes.
• The book is well illustrated with relevant Figures, etc.
• Numerous Tables have been used in the chapters to facilitate learning in a quick way.
• Case Study demonstrates example(s) of specific clinical scenarios that are often encountered by Physiotherapists.
• Important takeaway points of respective chapters have been highlighted under Summary Boxes.
• At the end of chapters, a Student Assignment section is given which contains practice questions and multiple choice questions to help students attain mastery over the subject.