Wiley India Feng Shui For Dummies, 2Ed - Self Help by David Daniel Kennedy, Lin Yun
Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway), which means wind water, is the ancient Chinese study of harmony and energy flow between you and your physical surroundings. Now, Feng Shui For Dummies, 2nd Edition shows you how you can apply Feng Shui principles to your home (inside and out) and workplace (from window office to cubicle) in order to achieve a better life.
About the Author
David Kennedy is one of America's best-known experts on the subject of Feng Shui. He's a featured speaker at numerous international conferences and conventions, a columnist for the journal Feng Shui, a former student of the late Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun, an avid Ch'i Kung teacher and practitioner, and a designer of custom training programs for Feng Shui practitioners and enthusiasts.