Frommermedia Frommers China by Jen Lin-Liu , Dinny McMahon
Choose the Only Guide That Gives You: Complete coverage of Chinas top attractions, plus introductions to unique places unknown to other guidebooks.Outspoken opinions on whats worth your time and whats not, written by current and former residents with comprehensive knowledge of the language and culture.Includes establishment names listed in both English and Chinese characters, making it easier for you to get around and find the places you're looking for.Includes detailed Chinese language and menu guides.Our authors, experienced China travelers who've written about the country for years, offer valuable insights and paint a vivid picture of a country that's undergoing one of the most fascinating cultural and economic transformations in history.Download a free companion podcast about traveling in China at Acknowledgments. Foreword by Steve Amos. Chapter 1. The Demands of a New Age. Chapter 2. New Consciousness for a New Era. Chapter 3. Choosing Your Core Values. Chapter 4. Tools to Unleash Your Power. Chapter 5. The Power of the Conscious Triangle. Chapter 6. Live a Blended and Connected Lifestyle. Chapter 7. The New Religion of Capitalism. Chapter 8. Create YOUR Dream Life. Chapter 9. Anticipating Obstacles and Roadblocks. Chapter 10. Time For Action. About Conscious One. Conscious One Course Descriptions. About Scott Martineau. Index.