Elsevier Miller's Anesthesia Review - 4E by Lorraine M Sdrales
Covering all anesthesia topics from basic to advanced, Miller's Anesthesia Review, 4th Edition, is an ideal resource for self-assessment and deepening your understanding of this ever-expanding and challenging field. Edited by Drs. Lorraine M. Sdrales and Manuel C. Pardo, Jr., this authoritative guide provides high-yield study points in an easy-to-read, bulleted format, along with hundreds of questions, answers, and rationales to help you test your knowledge and identify knowledge gaps for further study. Conveniently cross-referenced to the latest edition of Miller’s Basics of Anesthesia, it covers everything from physiologic and pharmacologic principles through anesthetic machine systems, anesthetic delivery in a variety of settings, and anesthesia administration for a full range of disease states.