Wiley India Mindfulness For Dummies, 3Ed - Self Help by Shamash Alidina
Are you tired, unproductive or stressed out? Maybe you're suffering from high-blood pressure, illness or even chronic pain? Recommended by medical professionals throughout the UK, mindfulness helps to clear the mind of the distracting thoughts and mental clutter that accumulate day-to-day. Focusing on breathing and other self-control techniques, mindfulness is scientifically proven to leave patients calmer, more self-aware, and free from the unrealistic expectations that damage the way we all live and work. And with this expert, easy-to-follow guide, there's never been a better time to get to grips with mindfulness and the many ways it can help you lead a happier, healthier life.
About the Author
Shamash Alidina is well-known in the field of mindfulness. He's been teaching mindfulness since 1998 and training mindfulness teachers since 2013. He's trained with Jon Kabat-Zinn in the USA and holds a Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Approaches from Bangor University's Centre for Mindfulness. He is co-founder of the world's first Museum of Happiness, headquartered in London, UK. He is one of 100 fellows from the Global Facebook Community Leadership Program.