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The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment 2Nd Edition by Knut Schroeder, JOHN WILEY

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Knut Schroeder
    PublisherJOHN WILEY
    Publish YearOctober 2016


    JOHN WILEY The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment 2Nd Edition by Knut Schroeder

    Clinical assessment is at the heart of medicine. Health professionals working in busy clinical settings, such as general practitioners, nurse practitioners and hospital doctors on-call, often have to assess patients under considerable time constraints. This book teaches the reader how to gather clinical information effectively, accurately and safely even when time is at a premium.
    Provides a systematic method of collecting and assessing relevant clinical information by suggesting step-by-step examination routines, including important patient-centred questions
    Focuses on common symptoms and presentations
    Treatment reflects the latest in evidence based practice (including latest NICE Guidelines)
    Specifically covers the clinical skills assessment (CSA) part of the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) examination
    Written by an experienced medical educator and practicing GP, in consultation with a multidisciplinary team of medical students, GPs, PG trainees, hospital doctors and nurses

    Knut Schroeder MD, MSc, DRCOG, DCH, MRCGP, MRCP, PhD
    General Practitioner, Bristol, UK; and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in General Practice, Centre for Academic Primary Care, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
    Knut Schroeder holds a Certificate in Medical Education and developed undergraduate and postgraduate courses on clinical diagnosis and evidence based medicine. While a full-time Consultant Senior Lecturer, he was responsible for developing and running the general practice part of the final examination for medical students at the University of Bristol.
    In addition to the first edition of The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment, Dr Schroeder has previously written for GP registrars (Top Tips for GPs, Radcliffe Medical Press, 2000) and co-written numerous book chapters, including two chapters for the Oxford Textbook of Primary Medical Care and a chapter on symptoms and signs for the Oxford Handbook of General Practice (3rd ed). He has had papers published in international peer-reviewed journals including the BMJ, Family Practice, and Archives of Internal Medicine, as well as articles in the GP press. His main clinical and teaching interest is clinical assessment and diagnosis.

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