Oxford & IBH/CBS Plant Systematics Theory And Practice 4Ed by SINGH G
This is the completely revised and updated edition of the textbook, which blends information on classical fundamentals and recent developments. It includes discussion on selected families of angiosperms with description of representative species. This title should serve as an ideal textbook for BSc, BSc (Hons) and MSc students, as well as botanists in the field. Theory and Practice Plant Systematics is the completely revised and thoroughly updated edition of the book, largely incorporating the developments of the last few years. The publication of current edition was required mainly in view ofrevision of International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (Shenzhen Code,2018) The book blends information on classical fundamental aspects with recent developments,especially in the field of molecular systematics,cladistics and computer identification. Special attention has been given to information on botanical nomenclature, identification, molecular systematics and phylogeny of angiosperms. The complicated concepts of phylogeny, taxometrics and cladistics have been explained with a view to provide a comparison between these diverse but interactive fields of study. Attempt has been made to build upon a common example when exploring different methods, especially in procedures of identification, taxometrics and cladistics. The major systems of classification are critically evaluated. The book also includes discussion on selected families of angiosperms, with description and illustrations of some representative species of each. Chapters on pteridophytes and gymnosperms have been updated in the light of recent developments.