Counterfeit Products :
Counterfeit products are fakes or unauthorized replica of the real product. Counterfeit products are often produced with the intent to take advantage of the superior value of the imitated product while putting the health and safety of consumers at risk.
Piracy has been a burning issue for publishers around the world. The latest estimate from ICC BASCAP indicates that the total global value of counterfeit and piracy could reach a staggering USD 4.2 trillion by 2022. And that’s a steep rise by 2.5 trillion in 7 years!
Counterfeiting is the practice of manufacturing goods, often of inferior quality, and selling them under a brand name without the brand owner’s authorization. Counterfeit goods are generally made from lower quality components, in an attempt to sell a cheap imitation of similar goods produced by brands consumers know and trust.
Counterfeiting is a big business in India.
Globally, the trafficking of counterfeit goods is much larger, and growing. That growth is driven in part by CONSUMER DEMAND.
Counterfeit goods span across multiple industries including everything from books, apparel, accessories, music, software, medications and cigarettes, to automobile and airplane parts, consumer goods, toys and electronics.
Counterfeits can be found in street vendor stalls as well as legitimate-looking stores. In recent years, many stores selling counterfeits have become increasingly well organized and established so as to imitate a store selling legitimate products. Furthermore, counterfeits are now increasingly sold online creating more opportunities to dupe consumers into thinking they are buying genuine goods at discounted prices. While some websites openly market fake goods, others pass off their goods as genuine by displaying pictures of the genuine item. It is only after the consumer has received their purchase that they realize they have been tricked into buying a counterfeit product.
The best way to avoid purchasing counterfeit products is to deal only with reputable retailers that are officially authorized by the brand owner. Also keep in mind that if a price seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Piracy and counterfeit in books are not far behind. Piracy is an important issue for publishers from India, particularly because Indian publishers are seeking new business opportunities in emerging markets of Africa and South Asia. However, the quantum of exports is severely hampered by rampant piracy and counterfeit, particularly in South Asia. Pirate publishers from India and neighbouring countries supply counterfeit versions of exported books to these markets.
(Source: PubliCon | FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi)
As per the Federation of Booksellers and Publishers Association of India (FBPAI), about 7000 crores publishing industries are menaced by piracy of books. As a result of which, the publishers in India have to face a loss of 400 crores per year. Book piracy doesn't give them the benefits of their hard works.
Why MeriPustak?
MeriPustak is an authorized retailer of all publisher brands it sells through its online portal.
All products sold on MeriPustak are new and 100% genuine products.
All books are procured directly from the publisher & authorized distributors, eliminating any middlemen and the possibility of procuring counterfeit books.
This can be verified and confirmed by the customer at any time. We have a systematic online procurement system and all orders are routed through it for our purchases from the publisher.
At MeriPustak we are constantly monitoring products that we source to detect and prevent any counterfeit products from reaching our portal and our customers and therefore work with publishers to come up with new ways to identify counterfeits.
Any customer who has a concern about counterfeit products can reach out to us at +91 11 4840 5056/5077/5066 or mailto:
We assure you that your grievance will be looked into immediately and appropriate action will be taken.