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100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience by Martin Newman Malcolm McDonald, KOGAN PAGE LIMITED

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Martin Newman Malcolm McDonald
    BindingPaperback with Sewin
    Publish YearAugust 2018


    KOGAN PAGE LIMITED 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience by Martin Newman Malcolm McDonald

    FINALIST: Business Book Awards 2019 - Sales and Marketing Category Virtually all consumer-facing businesses talk about putting the customer first, but in reality, few deliver on this as effectively as they could. 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience walks readers through a wealth of practical tips, tools, guidelines and frameworks, for implementing customer-focused marketing strategies at every step of the customer journey. By ensuring that the customer remains the key focus, companies can identify areas in need of improvement and implement relevant steps throughout the value chain to transform their business.A unique blend of strategy and best practice, 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience has a particular focus on multi-channel industries such as retail, FMCG, travel, financial services, leisure, food and beverage, and automotive. These industries are all facing major disruption from trendsetting brands such as Uber, AirBnB and Amazon, and as such, now face more pressure than ever to adopt new practices and remain relevant in a continually competitive marketplace. Featuring case studies packed full of practical examples, this book is a unique and valuable resource for both senior industry professionals looking to transform their business and MBA students. Online resources include a best practice checklist to optimize mobile apps. Chapter - 00: Introduction;Chapter - 01: Put the customer first: if you don't, someone else will;Chapter - 02: Marketplaces and disruptors are eating your lunch (taking your market share);Chapter - 03: Removing friction from the customer's journey: getting the basics right in travel, retail, food and beverage, leisure and financial services;Chapter - 04: How to be disruptive in your own business;Chapter - 05: The role of the store and its new footprint;Chapter - 06: We live in a hyper-local world where mobile is key;Chapter - 07: Organizational design to put the customer first;Chapter - 08: Cultural change - must be top down and bottom up;Chapter - 09: Less about corporate, more about social responsibility;Chapter - 10: Retail as a service;Chapter - 11: Winning the hearts and minds of customers in international markets;Chapter - 12: Customer-centric marketing communications;Chapter - 13: A new framework for the marketing mix: the Customer Mix or 6Ws;Chapter - 14: Strategic social media and its importance to the whole organization;Chapter - 15: The impact of AI, augmented virtual reality, machine learning and voice on customer experience;Chapter - 16: The rise of the 'ations' in driving differentiation;Chapter - 17: Understanding customer behaviour: turning data into actionable insight and the key drivers for customer relationship management;Chapter - 18: So where do you start to transform your business?;Chapter - 19: 100 practical ways to improve customer experience;

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