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Access and Expansion Post-Massification Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation at Meripustak

Access and Expansion Post-Massification Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation by Ben and Jongbloed And Hans Vossensteyn, Routledge

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Ben and Jongbloed And Hans Vossensteyn
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearNovember 2015


    Routledge Access and Expansion Post-Massification Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation by Ben and Jongbloed And Hans Vossensteyn

    The twenty-first century has the potential to be the era of universal higher education access: the post-massification century. The growth of knowledge-based service industries and an increased need for technological and social innovations require more education, training, and re-training at the post-secondary level. This edited collection addresses the crucial issues emerging from this ongoing expansion of higher education, focusing on how national systems of higher education can respond to demands for further expansion when traditional routes to higher education have been largely exhausted. Does it make a difference how secondary education systems are organised? Can we encourage under-represented groups to participate in higher education, offering them new ways of experiencing higher education without sacrificing quality? What role will new suppliers of higher education, such as private providers, and modes of delivery, such as MOOCs, play? Are there innovative ways to manage the finances of universal access, including tuition fees and student loans? Will all social groups benefit equally from expansion, and find the institution and programme that fits their needs? Expansion will require different modes of delivery, new system models, revised qualification structures, changes to the role played by government, and a revision of the public–private finance mix. While this may lead to tensions in terms of the quality, efficiency, or equality of opportunity in the higher education system, there are also new opportunities for students and higher education institutions. With experienced researchers offering insights, national strategies and policy examples from around the world, Access and Expansion Post-Massification will give researchers and policymakers the tools they need to expand higher education into the era of the knowledge society.

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