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Acute Coronary Care 1986 1st Editon 2013 Softbound at Meripustak

Acute Coronary Care 1986 1st Editon 2013 Softbound by Robert M. Califf, G.S. Wagner, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Robert M. Califf, G.S. Wagner
    Edition1st Editon
    Publish YearNovember 2013


    Springer Acute Coronary Care 1986 1st Editon 2013 Softbound by Robert M. Califf, G.S. Wagner

    The concepts of acute coronary care are changing so rapidly that it is appropriate that the volume ACUTE CORONARY CARE: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, published early in 1985, would have yearly updates. The process of rapid production of camera-ready manuscripts has added new capability to the exchange of information. ACUTE CORONARY CARE 1986 is the first of a series of yearly updates in this important area of cardiology. Materials published during the fall of 1984, including abstracts for the November American Heart Association meetings were reviewed by the editors to identify the areas of new information and the authors making important contri­ butions. Manuscripts were completed and edited during the spring of 1985 and the final camera-ready versions were delivered to Martinus Nijhoff by mid-July. The broad area of coronary care is divided into its five time sectors: Pre-hospital, Post-admission, Coronary Care Unit, Pre-discharge, and Conva­ lescent. As patients are more frequently encountered in the pre-hospital phase, it has become evident that alterations in the autonomic nervous system have a great impact on the clinical situation. The chapter by Ron Victor emphasizes the important interactions between the nervous system and the cardiovascular system in this critical situation. I. Coronary Care: The Pre-Hospital Phase.- 1. Autonomic Changes During the Acute Phase of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Ischemia.- II. Coronary Care: The Post-Admission Phase.- 2. Use of the Initial Electrocardiogram During Acute Myocardial Infarction to Estimate the Extent of the Jeopardized Myocardium and Guide the Determination of Therapy.- 3. Use of Antiplatelet Agents in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris.- 4. Thrombolytic Therapy in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.- 5. Novel Thrombolytic Drugs.- 6. Acute Interventional Cardiac Catheterization.- 7. The Use of Beta-Blockers in the Acute Phase of Myocardial Infarction.- III. Coronary Care: The Coronary Care Unit Phase.- 8. Post Thrombolytic Care.- 9. Determining Reperfusion and Myocardial Infarct Size Using Serum Enzymes.- 10. The Measurement of Acute Myocardial Infarct Size by CT.- 11. Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Evaluation of Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction.- 12. Positron Imaging in the Evaluation of Ischemia and Myocardial Infarction.- 13. Hemodynamic Considerations in Acute Infarction.- 14. Comparative Effects of Intravenous Nitroglycerin and Sodium Nitroprusside in Cardiac Intensive Care.- 15. Acute Coronary Care and Diagnosis Related Groups.- IV. Coronary Care: The Pre-Discharge Phase.- 16. The Use of Ultrasound to Detect Infarction Expansion and Mural Thrombi.- 17. Lessons from Predischarge Cardiac Catheterization.- 18. The Process of Selecting the Proper Antiarrhythmic Treatment for Patients at High Risk of Sudden Death Following Myocardial Infarction.- 19. Lessons from the BHAT Study Regarding Selection of Patients Post Myocardial Infarction for Beta Blockade.- V. Coronary Care: The Convalescent Phase.- 20. The Prehospital Discharge Evaluation of the Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction.- 21. New Inotropic Agents.- 22. Common Problems in Patient Management During the Two Months Following Acute Myocardial Infarction.

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