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Advances in the Control of Theileriosis Proceedings of an International Conference 1981 1st Editon 2011 Softbound at Meripustak

Advances in the Control of Theileriosis Proceedings of an International Conference 1981 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by A.D. Irvin, M.P. Cunningham, A.S. Young, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)A.D. Irvin, M.P. Cunningham, A.S. Young
    Edition1st Editon
    Publish YearNovember 2011


    Springer Advances in the Control of Theileriosis Proceedings of an International Conference 1981 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by A.D. Irvin, M.P. Cunningham, A.S. Young

    Approximately five years have elapsed since the Conference on 'Tick-borne Diseases and their Vectors' (Wilde, 1978, University of Edinburgh) was held at the Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine in Edinburgh. Theileriosis was one of the main topics at that Conference and some 20 scientific presentations were given. Also in the same year a Workshop on 'Theileriosis' was held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre in Nairobi (Henson & Campbell, 1977, IDRC, Ottawa). Both of these meetings provided a valuable up­ dating of theilerial diseases, and the Proceedings have been a constant source of reference for scientists in the ensuing years. The meetings played a significant role in setting the scene for a number of important advances which have been made since then. In February of this year, attention was focused on these advances when nearly 200 scientists from over 30 countries were assembled at the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases in Nairobi for the international conference on 'Advances in the Control of Theileriosis'. The interest and concern shown in this subject has now grown to the extent that more than 70 scientific presentations were given over the course of a very busy week. An important facet of the Conference was the attention given to the control of Theileriosis, since this must be the ultimate aim of all those involved with the disease. Control will be difficult. Opening Address.- Epidemiology.- Theilerial species of domestic livestock.- The epidemiology of Theileriosis in East Africa.- The epidemiology of Theileriosis in the Trans-Mara Division, Kenya.- The occurrence of a Theileriaparva carrier state in cattle from an East Coast fever endemic area of Kenya.- Theileria infections in Rhipicephalusappendiculatus ticks collected in the field.- Preliminary studies on East Coast fever in the Coast Province of Kenya.- The involvement of wildlife in Theileria infections of domestic animals in East Africa.- Bovine Theileriosis in Zimbabwe.- Preliminary observations on Theileriosis in Zambia.- Comparative studies on calf mortality in local Zebu and first crosses with exotic dairy breeds in Zanzibar.- Preliminary studies on the epidemiology of Theileriosis in Eastern Equatoria Province of the Sudan.- Theileriamutans in Nigeria: Clinical records of prevalence and experimental infection in calves.- Prevalence of Theileria schizonts in the domestic ruminants in Nigeria and the identification and bionomics of the vector.- Bovine Theileriosis and its control in Japan.- Piroplasmosis in cattle imported onto the island of Jeju-Do, Republic of Korea.- Epidemiology: Appraisal and Future Perspectives.- InVitro Studies.- Application of invitro techniques to vaccination against Theileriosis.- Invitro cloning of Theileria-infected bovine lymphoblastoid cells: Standardization and characterization.- Incorporation of radio-labelled nucleic acid precursors by Theileriaparva during sporogony.- Preliminary observations on the density of sporozoites of Theileriaannulata.- Invitro neutralization of Theilerial sporozoite infectivity with immune serum.- The infectivity of Theileria sporozoites for bovid leucocytes invitro.- Artificial infection of ticks by percutaneous injection using deep-frozen blood.- Invitro studies on 2 strains of Theileriaannulata.- Invitro studies: Appraisal and Future Perspectives.- Vector Studies.- Current methods of tick control with special reference to Theileriosis.- Biological control of ticks with particular reference to Rhipicephalusappendiculatus.- The occurrence and distribution of Theileriosis vectors in Zimbabwe.- Isolation, identification and transmission of Theileriamutans in Northern Sudan.- Advances in the control of Hyalomma by irradiation.- Vector Control: Appraisal and Future Perspectives.- Chemotherapy.- Commercial considerations for the development of an antitheilerial product.- Progress in the chemotherapy of Theileriosis.- Studies invivo and invitro with 993C and Halofuginone.- Chemotherapy of Theileriosis in cattle.- Preliminary studies on chemotherapy of bovine Theileriosis with Halofuginone in Tanzania.- Chemotherapy against Theileriaannulata.- Treatment of bovine Theileriosis (Theileriaannulata infection) using a new drug 993C.- Chemotherapy: Appraisal and Future Perspectives.- Immunization.- Infection and treatment method of immunization against Theileriosis.- Observations on Rwandan strains of Theileriaparva and the value of T. parva Nyakizu as a possible vaccine strain.- Schizonts and tick stages in immunization against Theileriaannulata infection.- Preparation and application of Theileriaannulata infected stabilate.- Trials with cell culture vaccine against Theileriosis in Turkey.- Immunisation of cattle against Theileriaannulata. A résumé of work done at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.- Bovine tropical Theileriosis and its control.- Immunization against Theileriosis: Appraisal and Future Perspectives.- Immunology.- Cellular immune response in Theileriosis.- Specific and non-specific cellular immune response to Theileriaparva in cattle.- The induction of cell-mediated immunity in cattle inoculated with cell lines parasitized with Theileriaparva.- The kinetics of infection with Theileriaparva in cattle and the relevance to the development of immunity.- Ana

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