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American Grand Strategy in the Mediterranean during World War II 2014 Edition at Meripustak

American Grand Strategy in the Mediterranean during World War II 2014 Edition by Andrew Buchanan , CAMBRIDGE

Books from same Author: Andrew Buchanan

Books from same Publisher: CAMBRIDGE

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Andrew Buchanan
    Publish YearFebruary 2014


    CAMBRIDGE American Grand Strategy in the Mediterranean during World War II 2014 Edition by Andrew Buchanan

    This book offers a thorough reinterpretation of US engagement with the Mediterranean during World War II. Andrew Buchanan argues that the United States was far from being a reluctant participant in a 'peripheral' theater, and that Washington had a major grand-strategic interest in the region. By the end of the war the Mediterranean was essentially an American lake, and the United States had substantial political and economic interests extending from North Africa, via Italy and the Balkans, to the Middle East. This book examines the military, diplomatic, and economic processes by which this hegemonic position was assembled and consolidated. It discusses the changing character of the Anglo-American alliance, the establishment of post-war spheres of influence, the nature of presidential leadership, and the common interest of all the leaders of the 'Grand Alliance' in blocking the development of potentially revolutionary movements emerging from the chaos of war, occupation, and economic breakdown. Table of contents :- Introduction; 1. 'The president's personal policy'; 2. The decision for Torch; 3. Keeping Spain out of the war: Washington's appeasement of Franco; 4. Torch, Darlan, and the French Maghreb; 5. 'The intricacies of colonial rule'; 6. 'Senior partners?'; 7. 'An investment for the future'; 8. The Tehran Conference and the Anglo-American struggle over the invasion of southern France; 9. Helping De Gaulle get his 'talons pretty deeply dug into France'; 10. Italy 'enters the postwar period'; 11. Spain, Wolfram, and the 'liberal turn'; 12. The Culbertson Mission and the open door; 13. 'Balkan-phobia?' The United States, Yugoslavia, and Greece, 1940-5; 14. 'We have become Mediterraneanites'.

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