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An Introduction To Human Molecular Genetics Mechanisms Of Inherited Diseases 2Ed (Hb 2005) at Meripustak

An Introduction To Human Molecular Genetics Mechanisms Of Inherited Diseases 2Ed (Hb 2005) by Pasternak J J, John Wiley

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Pasternak J J
    PublisherJohn Wiley
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearJanuary 2005


    John Wiley An Introduction To Human Molecular Genetics Mechanisms Of Inherited Diseases 2Ed (Hb 2005) by Pasternak J J

    An Introduction to Human Molecular GeneticsSecond EditionJack J. PasternakThe Second Edition of this internationally acclaimed text expands its coverage of the molecular genetics of inherited human diseases with the latest research findings and discoveries. Using a unique, systems-based approach, the text offers readers a thorough explanation of the gene discovery process and how defective genes are linked to inherited disease states in major organ and tissue systems. All the latest developments in functional genomics, proteomics, and microarray technology have been thoroughly incorporated into the text.The first part of the text introduces readers to the fundamentals of cytogenetics and Mendelian genetics. Next, techniques and strategies for gene manipulation, mapping, and isolation are examined. Readers will particularly appreciate the text's exceptionally thorough and clear explanation of genetic mapping. The final part features unique coverage of the molecular genetics of distinct biological systems, covering muscle, neurological, eye, cancer, and mitochondrial disorders. Throughout the text, helpful figures and diagrams illustrate and clarify complex material.Readers familiar with the first edition will recognize the text's same lucid and engaging style, and will find a wealth of new and expanded material that brings them fully up to date with a current understanding of the field, including:* New chapters on complex genetic disorders, genomic imprinting, and human population genetics* Expanded and fully revised section on clinical genetics, covering diagnostic testing, molecular screening, and various treatmentsThis text is targeted at upper-level undergraduate students, graduate students, and medical students. It is also an excellent reference for researchers and physicians who need a clinically relevant reference for the molecular genetics of inherited human diseases.

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