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Basics Of Blood Management by Petra Seeber , John Wiley and Sons Ltd

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Petra Seeber
    PublisherJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd
    Publish YearMarch 2008


    John Wiley and Sons Ltd Basics Of Blood Management by Petra Seeber

    Commended in the Haematology category at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2008 This unique and practical book introduces the reader to the concept of blood management and explains how to improve patient outcomes by avoiding undue blood loss, enhancing the patient's own blood, effective management of anemia and coagulopathy. Basics of Blood Management is the first book dedicated to blood management, a multidisciplinary and multimodality concept that focuses on patient outcome._x000D_A practical and comprehensive text on the new and exciting field of blood management * Takes an international perspective, covering conditions encountered in developing and industrial countries * Covers all areas of organization, methods and tools * Gives the reader an understanding of the concept and philosophy of blood management * Provides clinical scenarios and exercises that help the reader to adapt information for their location Whether you are an early practising clinician in hematology, transfusion, critical care, anesthesiology, surgery or internal medicine, a nursing specialist, trainee or other member of the multidisciplinary blood management team, this book will answer all your questions about blood management as an aid in improving patient outcome._x000D_ _x000D_ System. 1. History and Organization of Blood Management * Blood management as a program * The administrative part * The physician's part. 2. Physiology of Anemia and Oxygen Transport * Regular physiology * Physiology of anemia * Relationship between oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption * Practical implications. 3. Anemia Therapy, Part 1 (EPO, NESP and Anabolics) * Erythropoietin in normal erythropoiesis * Erythropoietin as a drug * Novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein (NESP, Darbepoetin) * Anabolic steroids. 4. Fluids * Need for fluid therapy * Basics of volume household and iv fluids * Crystalloid solutions * Colloid solutions * Side effects * Fluids at work * Influence of fluid therapy on blood management. 5. Use of Autologous Blood * Preoperative autologous donation * Hemodilution * Comparison of PAD and ANH * Platelet and Plasmapheresis. 6. Preparation of the Patient for Surgery * History and physical examination * Laboratory and other tests * Plan of care * Preparation. 7. Law, Ethics, Religion and Blood Management * Principles as basis for decision-making in blood management * Principles of bioethics * Human rights and patient's rights * Excursus * Jehovah's Witnesses * Compassionate use. 8. Recombinant Blood Products * Basics of recombinant drugs * Use of recombinant blood proteins in blood management * Comparison of recombinant and plasma-derived blood proteins. 9. Anemia Therapy, Part 2 (Hematinics * Physiology of erythropoiesis and hemoglobin synthesis * Iron therapy in blood management * Copper * Vitamin therapy in blood management * Interactions of hematinics * Implications for blood management. 10. Iatrogenic Blood Loss * Causes of iatrogenic blood loss * The role of iatrogenic blood loss in blood management * Avoidance of iatrogenic blood loss. 11. Antifibrinolytics, Vitamin K and Estrogens * Antifibrinolytics * Desmopressin * Vitamins of the K-Group * Conjugated estrogens and other hormones * Other hemostatic drugs. 12. Surgery: They Physics of Hemostasis * Basics of surgical techniques * Surgical tools * Methods to achieve hemostasis and to avoid undue blood loss * Positioning * Methods for surgical cutting . 13. Cell Salvage * Cell savers * Advantages of cell salvage * Practical considerations for cell salvage * Risks and side effects of cell salvage * Concerns: how to overcome contraindications * Indications for cell salvage * Cell salvage and concomitant diseases. 14. Tranfusions, Part A (Cellular Components, Plasma) * Why do physicians transfuse? * Ordering blood products * Risks and side effects of transfusions * Outcome measures * Guidelines * Leukoreduction * Massive transfusion * Practical management of transfusion * Levels of evidence/grades of recommendations. 15. Oxygen Therapy * Physics and physiology of oxygen * Oxygen, friend and enemy * Efects of pressurized oxygen on the human body * Normobaric inhalational oxygen therapy * Hyperbaric oxygen * Oxygen in blood management. 16. Artificial Blood Components * Artificial oxygen carriers * Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) * Perfluorocarbons (PFC) * Artificial oxygen carriers in blood mangement * Other attempts to make artificial blood components. 17. Transfusions, Part B (Plasma Fractions) * The anatomy of plasma * Plasma fractions * Plasma fractions in blood management * Approaches to reduce the use of plasmatic fractions. 18. Blood Banking * Blood safety * What is test for in blood products and how * Storage and delivery * Whole blood to cellular components * Leukocyte depletion * Bacterial contamination * Plasma fractionation * Pathogen reduction * The interaction of blood banks and clinicians. 19. Cost Considerations * Basics of medical economy * Methods to calculate costs of a medical product or service * Costs of transfusion * Costs of methods to reduce transfusion requirements * Costs of a blood management program. 20. Step by Step to an Organized Blood Management System. 21. Law, ethics, religion, and blood management. 22.Step by step to an organized blood management program. Appendix A: Detailed information. Appendix B: Sources of information for blood management. Appendix C: Program tools and forms. Appendix D: Teaching aids: research and projects. Appendix E: Address book. Index_x000D_

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