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Calcium Entry Blockers in Cardiovascular and Cerebral Dysfunctions 1st Editon 2011 Softbound at Meripustak

Calcium Entry Blockers in Cardiovascular and Cerebral Dysfunctions 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by T. Godfraind, A.G. Herman, D. Wellens, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)T. Godfraind, A.G. Herman, D. Wellens
    Edition1st Editon
    Publish YearNovember 2011


    Springer Calcium Entry Blockers in Cardiovascular and Cerebral Dysfunctions 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by T. Godfraind, A.G. Herman, D. Wellens

    2 The free internal Ca+ concentration in human red cells is set according to the leak­ 2 and-pump principle: There is a finite passive Ca+ influx at the physiological 2 2 Ca+ -gradient across the membrane which is compensated by Ca+ pumping in the outward direction with a rate given by the degree of saturation of the A TP-fuelled Ca­ 2 pump at the steady-state internal Ca+ concentration. Simons (1982) recently devised a method allowing the measurement of the steady­ 2 2 state internal Ca+ concentration. Cells are suspended in media of different Ca+ con­ 2 2 tent whose Ca+ concentration is monitored by a Ca+ -selective electrode. When the cells are lysed (by digitonin) there is an upward or downward deflection of the elec­ 2 trode signal. At the point of zero deflection, the cellular Ca+ concentration equals that 2 of the medium. The result is, that in fresh human red blood cells the Ca+ concentra­ tion is ;;;; O.4,uM (this is an upper estimate; the true value may be considerably lower). I: Introductory considerations.- The major steps in the discovery of calcium entry blockers..- Basic mechanisms and classification of calcium entry blockers..- Calcium entry blockers: perspectives..- Twenty-seven calcium entry blockers in development: a new chapter in pharmacology..- II: Calcium entry blockers and peripheral circulatory function..- Calcium-ions and excitation contraction coupling in vascular smooth muscle cells..- Laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA) as a technique to quantitate Ca2+ ions..- Vascular pharmacology of calcium entry blockers..- Calcium homeostasis in human red blood cells..- Impact of Ca2+ entry blockers on Ca2+ dependent mechanisms in red blood cells, platelets and endothelial cells..- Red blood cell microrheology and calcium antagonists..- Calcium e ntry blockers in the treatment of peripheral obliterative arterial disease..- III: Calcium entry blockers and myocardial function..- Pharmacology of calcium entry blockers in animal and human coronary arteries..- Calcium paradox and calcium entry blockers..- Myocardial oxygen deprivation and calcium deprivation: ultrastructural characteristics and clinical significance..- Basic and clinical aspects of myocardial protection by calcium entry blockers..- Effect of calcium entry blockers on impaired left ventricular wall motion..- The influence of Ca2+ entry blockers on hemodynamics and coronary blood flow, and its importance for the treatment of angina pectoris..- The use of selective calcium antagonism in variant (vasospastic) and classical (effort) angina pectoris..- Calcium entry blockers in cardiovascular therapy. Influence of diltiazem on hemodynamics and coronary blood flow..- IV: Calcium entry blockers and cerebral function..- Calcium entry blockers and cerebral function: an introduction..- Calcium entry blockers and cerebral resuscitation..- Effect of calcium entry blockers in models of brain hypoxia..- Calcium entry blockers in the therapy of vertebrobasilar insufficiency..- Calcium entry blockers and pharmacological aspects of migraine..- Clinical evaluation of calcium entry blockers in migraine..- V: Calcium entry blockers in hypertension treatment..- Double-blind comparison of the antihypertensive effects of verapamil and nifedipine..- Treatment of hypertension emergencies and chronic arterial hypertension with calcium entry blockers..- The effect of nifedipine on arterial pressure and reflex cardiac control..- Concluding remarks.- Why are Ca2+ entry blockers effective in the treatment of hypertension and tissue hypoxia?.- List of authors and co-authors.

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