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Caring for Place 1st Edition 2022 at Meripustak

Caring for Place 1st Edition 2022 by Healey, Patsy, Taylor and Francis Ltd

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Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Healey, Patsy
    PublisherTaylor and Francis Ltd
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearJuly 2022


    Taylor and Francis Ltd Caring for Place 1st Edition 2022 by Healey, Patsy

    This book draws on preeminent planning theorist Patsy Healey's personal experiences as a resident of a small rural town in England, to explore what place and community mean in a particular context, and how different initiatives struggle to get a stake in the wider governance relations while maintaining their own focus and ways of working. Throughout the book, Healey assesses the public value generated by community initiatives and the impact of such activity on wider governance dynamics._x000D__x000D_Healey explores the power which small communities are able to mobilise through self-organisation and grassroots activism. Through the lens of Wooler and Glendale as a micro-society, the book centres on a community experiencing an economic and demographic transition. It focuses on three initiatives developed and led by local people - a small community development trust, an informal attentionmobilising network, and a Neighbourhood Plan project which uses an opportunity provided within the formal planning system. It examines how, in such civil society activism, people came together to promote local development in a place and community neglected by the dominant political economy._x000D__x000D_The book details the power and force of community initiative and its potential for transforming both the future possibilities for the place and community itself, as well as wider governance relations. Overall, it seeks to enrich academic and policy discussion about how the relations between formal government and civil society energy could evolve in more productive and progressive directions._x000D_ _x000D_ 1. Civil society caring for place futures, 2. Caring for place: three initiatives in an English rural area, 3. Placing Wooler and Glendale: where and what is 'here'?, 4. Experiencing community - asserting community, 5. Engaging with the agency world, 6. Power relations: navigating in a dynamic forcefield, 7. Framing the future: knowledge and narrative in Wooler and Glendale, 8. Creating public value through civil society activism, 9. Can we shape our future?: The transformative potential of civil society initiative, 10. Epilogue: our locality in lockdown_x000D_

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