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Climate Change and Extension Climate Smart Practices At Grassroot Levels at Meripustak

Climate Change and Extension Climate Smart Practices At Grassroot Levels by Kalyan Ghadei; Co Editors: Nikhil J Jayashree Mp Suman Roy & Waris Ali, NIPA 

Books from same Author: Kalyan Ghadei; Co Editors: Nikhil J Jayashree Mp Suman Roy & Waris Ali

Books from same Publisher: NIPA 

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Kalyan Ghadei; Co Editors: Nikhil J Jayashree Mp Suman Roy & Waris Ali
    Publish YearJanuary 2024


    NIPA  Climate Change and Extension Climate Smart Practices At Grassroot Levels by Kalyan Ghadei; Co Editors: Nikhil J Jayashree Mp Suman Roy & Waris Ali

    Agricultural Climate Change and Agricultural Extension presents a comprehensive examination of the intersection between climate change and agricultural extension, providing insights, strategies, and practical guidance for stakeholders in the agricultural sector. This book emphasizes the vital role of agricultural extension services in facilitating climate-smart practices among farmers. Extension workers play a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge, providing training, and promoting the adoption of innovative technologies that enhance agricultural sustainability in the context of climate change.This book delves into the complex relationship between climate change and the agricultural sector, with a particular focus on the role of agricultural extension services. The authors discuss effective strategies for farmers to adapt to the changing climate. They provide in-depth discussions on various adaptation and mitigation strategies, including the implementation of sustainable management systems and the role of need-based, location-specific technologies in addressing climate change. This book also establishes a crucial connection between nutritional security and climate change, shedding light on the intricate relationship between these two factors.In-depth case studies feature examples from diverse geographic regions, showcasing how local communities have successfully adapted to climate change with the support of effective agricultural extension services. These stories highlight the resilience and innovation of farmers who have embraced new practices and technologies, illustrating replicable models for others.

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