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Combination Therapies 2 Biological Response Modifiers in the Treatment of Cancer and Infectious Diseases 1st Editon 2012 Softbound at Meripustak

Combination Therapies 2 Biological Response Modifiers in the Treatment of Cancer and Infectious Diseases 1st Editon 2012 Softbound by E. Garaci, Allan L. Goldstein, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)E. Garaci, Allan L. Goldstein
    Edition1st Editon
    Publish YearOctober 2012


    Springer Combination Therapies 2 Biological Response Modifiers in the Treatment of Cancer and Infectious Diseases 1st Editon 2012 Softbound by E. Garaci, Allan L. Goldstein

    The 2nd International Symposium on Combination Therapies brought together several hundred of the leading researchers, scientists and clinicians in this area to discuss new and emerging uses for biological response modifiers (BRM's) in the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. The meeting was held during May 1-3, 1992 in Acireale, Sicily (Italy). It was hosted by Professor G. Nicoletti CU. of Catania) and organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Immunology and Aging (Washington, D. C. ) in collaboration with the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata,' the University of Catania and The George Washington University Medical Center. The synergy exhibited between BRM's and conventional therapies including bone marrow and other lymphoid cell transplants is a rapidly expanding area with significant promise for the treatment of human diseases. Advances in this area of biomedicine are leading to the rapid development of new therapeutic approaches that are being applied clinically as both primary and adjuvant therapy to enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments. The 2nd International Symposium on Combination Therapy provided a setting for the exchange of new scientific information regarding the emerging uses for BRM's alone or in combination with conventional therapies. The 1st International Symposium on Combination Therapies was held in 1991 in Washington, D. C. Section I - Mechanism of Action and Rationale for the Use of Biological Response Modifiers, Differentiating Agents and Nucleoside Analogues in Combination.- 1. Cytokine Synergy in Immunotherapy.- 2. Monitoring Combination Therapy Trials: New Challenges for the Clinical Laboratory.- 3. IL-2-Based Consolidative Immunotherapy After Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation.- 4. Tumor Immunogenicity Induced by the Local. Occurrence of IL-2.- 5. Thymosin ?1: Chemistry, Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications.- 6. Combination Therapy with Thymosin ?1 and Cytokines in the Treatment of Cancer and Infectious Diseases.- 7. Effect of Thymosin a1 on Cocaine-induced Inhibition of T-Cell Dependent Murine Immune Response.- 8. Regulation of Gene Expression by Interferons.- 9. Interactions Between Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha and Glucocorticoid Hormones in the Regulation of Tumor Cell Growth In Vitro.- 10. Behavioural, Pyrogenic and Electrocortical Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Given Intracerebrally in Rats.- 11. Biological Significance and Therapeutic Potential of Tumor-Associated Leukocytes.- 12. Septic Shock Pathophysiology: Focus on Therapeutic Approach.- 13. Differentiating Agents and Cancer Therapy. Role of Cellular Lipid Peroxidation and its Product 4-Hydroxynonenal in the Control of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation.- 14. Inhibition of HIV Replication and Enhancement of Immune Functions by the Acyclic Nucleoside Phosphonate 9-(2-Phosphonyl-Methoxyethyl) Adenine (PMEA).- 15. Modulation of Inflammatory Cytokines by a Receptor Antagonist, Autoantibodies, and Fever.- Section II - Combination Chemotherapy and Brm Therapy in the Treatment of Cancer.- 16. Cancer Immunochemotherapy: Preliminary Studies with Triazene Compounds.- 17. Thymosin ?1 and ?-Interferon with Cisplatin and Etoposide in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase II Study.- 18. Combination of Chronic Indomethacin and Intermittent IL-2 Therapy in the Treatment of Disseminated Cancer.- 19. Combination Chemotherapy and Cytokines in the Treatment of Advanced Primary Lung Cancer: Results of a Controlled Clinical Trial.- 20. Biological Response Modifiers and Differentiating Agents in Myelodisplastic Syndromes.- 21. Myeloid Growth Factors in Cancer Treatment.- Section III - Single and Combination Therapy with Brm’s in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Autoimmunity.- 22. Efficacy of the Combined Treatment with Fluconazole and Thymosin ?1 Against Candida albicans Infection in Morphine-Treated Mice.- 23. Anti-Cytokine Therapy of Murine Candidiasis.- 24. The Basic Research and Clinical Application of Thymopeptidin.- 25. Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus-Associated Chronic Liver Disease with ?-Interferon and Inosine Pranobex: Combination Schedule vs. Monotherapies.- 26. Sustained Response to Thymosin Therapy in Patients with Chronic Active Hepatitis B.- 27. Combination Anti-HIV Therapy: Questions and Answers.- 28. Mechanisms of Disease Progression and CD4 Depletion in HIV-1 Infection.- 29. Combined Therapy with Zidovudine, Thymosin ?l and ?-Interferon in the Treatment of HIV-Infected Patients.- 30. The Problem of Interferon Species Appearing in Patients with Autoimmune Diseases.

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