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Compendium Of Land Use Laws For Sustainable Development at Meripustak

Compendium Of Land Use Laws For Sustainable Development by John R. Nolon, Cambridge

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)John R. Nolon
    Publish YearJune 2016


    Cambridge Compendium Of Land Use Laws For Sustainable Development by John R. Nolon

    This book collects land use laws from countries on each continent that attempt to achieve sustainable development. Due to the startling evidence of global deterioriation and the long-term trends in land use, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development was signed in 2002. In the laws collected in this volume, the reader can witness the evolution of national legal systems as they respond to the challenge of sustainable development. This volume illuminates the great flexibility and power of the law as a vehicle for change. Laws contained in this compendium are mechanisms competent to address society's problems; they provide strategies that are appropriate to the culture and place of their origin. The book provides evidence that laws and law reform are being used to create strategies that address a worldwide priority: the clear need to effectively use and preserve the land and its natural resources. Part I: 1. Editing Shakespeare's plays in the twentieth century John Jowett; 2. Crisis in editing? Edward Pechter; 3. On being a general editor Stanley Wells; 4. Altering the letter of Twelfth Night: 'Some are born great' and the missing signature Patricia Parker; 5. 'A thousand Shylocks': Orson Welles and The Merchant of Venice Tom Rooney; 6. The date and authorship of hand D's contribution to Sir Thomas More: evidence from 'Literature Online' MacDonald P. Jackson; 7. Ferdinand's wife and Prospero's wise Ron Tumelson; 8. Editing Stefano's book Andrew Gurr; 9. Manuscript, print, and the authentic Shakespeare: the Ireland forgeries again Tom Lockwood; 10. The author, the editor and the translator: William Shakespeare, Alexander Chalmers and Sandor Petofi or the nature of a Romantic edition Julia Paraizs; 11. Women edit Shakespeare Jeanne Addison Roberts; 12. The Shakespeare edition in industrial capitalism Cary DiPietro; 13. Print and electronic editions inspired by the New Variorum Hamlet Project Bernice Kliman; 14. The evolution of online editing: where will it end? Christie Carson; 15. The director as Shakespeare editor Alan C. Dessen; 16. The editor as translator Balz Engler; 17. Performance editions, editing and editors Elizabeth Schafer; 18. Editing collaborative drama Suzanne Gossett; 19. Will in the Universe: Shakespeare's sonnets, Plato's Symposium, alchemy and Renaissance Neoplatonism Ronald Gray; 20. Giants and enemies of God: the relationship between Caliban and Prospero from the perspective of insular literary tradition Lynn Forest-Hill; 21. Shakespeare's ages Ruth Morse; 22. Who wrote William Basse's 'Elegy on Shakespeare'?: rediscovering a poem lost from the Donne canon Brandon S. Centerwall; 23. 'Sometime a paradox': Shakespeare, Diderot, and the problem of character Jonathan Holmes; 24. Shakespeare performances in England, 2005 Michael Dobson; 25. Professional Shakespeare productions in the British Isles, January-December 2004 James Shaw; Part II. The Year's Contribution to Shakespeare Studies: 1. Critical studies reviewed by Michael Taylor; 2. Shakespeare in performance reviewed by Emma Smith; 3. Editions and textual studies reviewed by Eric Rasmussen.

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