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Crop Protection -Driven Food Safety And Security at Meripustak

Crop Protection -Driven Food Safety And Security by Abhijeet Ghatak and Ramanuj Vishwakarma and Nishant Prakash and Ranjeet Kumar, Satish Serial Publishing House

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Abhijeet Ghatak and Ramanuj Vishwakarma and Nishant Prakash and Ranjeet Kumar
    PublisherSatish Serial Publishing House
    Publish YearJanuary 2022


    Satish Serial Publishing House Crop Protection -Driven Food Safety And Security by Abhijeet Ghatak and Ramanuj Vishwakarma and Nishant Prakash and Ranjeet Kumar

    “Crop Protection-driven Food Safety and Security”. Upon implementation of the Green Revolution, manifold increase in food production rendered a new era of chemical agriculture resulting in adverse effects on flora, fauna, soil, water, human health and ecology. Technological improvements in crop protection such as soil and seed-treatment, biofumigation, sitespecific management, non-chemicals and biopesticides, sound and needbased use of semiochemicals, the introduction of resistant or tolerant plant materials, the introduction of biotechnological approaches, and overall the IPM strategies have made a significant contribution to obtain the least polluted agri-commodities with minimum disturbance to the ecosystem. The current book discusses various issues on (i) abiotic and biotic stresses threatening agriculture, (ii) non-chemical strategies encouraging organic management, (iii) chemical tactics against biotic stress, (iv) improving agricultural commodities using postharvest tools, and (v) legal implications in pest management. The chapters are presented in the form of an extended summary based on the knowledge and researchoriented attempts with recent, innovative and indigenous technical approaches. This book will immensely be helpful to train the students, faculties, scientists, government officials, extension personnel, representatives of NGOs or private organizations, progressive farmers and policy-makers to provide safer food materials to humankind.

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