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Developing Resilience for Social Work Practice 2014 Edition by Louise Grant, G. Kinman , MacMillan Education UK

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Louise Grant, G. Kinman
    PublisherMacMillan Education UK
    Publish YearDecember 2014


    MacMillan Education UK Developing Resilience for Social Work Practice 2014 Edition by Louise Grant, G. Kinman

    The term 'resilience' refers to a person's capacity to handle difficulties, demands and pressure without experiencing negative effects. Traditionally, social work has focused on the nature and impact of resilience in children and adults who have experienced traumatic events, but it is increasingly recognised that social workers need to develop personal resilience to manage the emotional demands of the job effectively and sustainably. Developing Resilience for Social Work Practice provides social workers with a tool-box of strategies to help them enhance their resilience and protect their wellbeing. Written by experienced practitioners in the field, the book draws on key research to present a series of evidence-based interventions. These strategies are designed to help social work students and practitioners develop important qualities that underpin resilience, such as self-awareness, time management, relaxation skills and empathy as well enable them to gain support from their personal and professional networks. Grounded in both theory and practice, each chapter explores how the various resilience techniques can be applied to help social workers manage the complexities and challenges they face in everyday practice. The use of relevant and engaging case studies throughout is particularly useful in bringing the book to life for the reader. Table of contents :- PART I: THE PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT.- 1. Social Work and Wellbeing: Setting the Scene; Louse Grant, Gail Kinman and Richard Fountain.- 2. What is Resilience? ; Louise Grant and Gail Kinman.- PART II: DEVELOPING TECHNIQUES TO BUILD RESILIENCE.- 3. The Work/Home Interface: Building Effective Boundaries; Gail Kinman, Almuth McDowall and Mariette Uys.- 4. Critical Reflection and Reflective Supervision; Louise Grant and Becky Brewer.- 5. Personal Organisation and Time Mangagement; Siobhan Wray and Sacha Rymell.- 6. Cognitive Behavioural-Based Strategies; Kelly Alexander, Sara Henley and Kay Newman.- 7. Mindfulness for Resilience in Social Work; Rose Parkes and Susan Kelly.- 8. Peer Support and Peer Coaching; Sarah Baker and Kathryn Jones.- 9. Enhancing Self Knowledge, Coping Skills and Stress Resistance; Gail Kinman, Isabella McMurray and Jo Williams.- 10. Resilient Individuals and Organisations: an Integrated Approach; Gail Kinman and Louise Grant.

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