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Developmental Neuropathology 2nd Edition 2011 Softbound at Meripustak

Developmental Neuropathology 2nd Edition 2011 Softbound by Reinhard L. Friede, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Reinhard L. Friede
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearDecember 2011


    Springer Developmental Neuropathology 2nd Edition 2011 Softbound by Reinhard L. Friede

    I was gratified by the most favorable reception and wide usage received by the first edition of this book. A decade seems to be a short period for a book on pathology, and yet it witnessed many important changes of concepts, along with a formidable growth of knowledge. The second edition required extensive reorganization. There are new chapters on mitochondriopathies, on peroxisomal diseases and on spongy myelino­ pathies. Major revisions and new additions were necessary in many chapters, for instance those on the dysplasias of the cerebral and of the cerebellar hemispheres, which were largely reorganized. The chapters on perinatal pathology were reordered and reorganized to give a more logical sequence of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal lesions. The entire text was worked over for brevity. A wealth of new references was added with the. aim of staying abreast with the literature up to summer 1988. All refer­ ences were double checked for errors. My gratitude goes to Mrs. Gisela Ropte and Mrs. Cynthia Bunker for their untiring, diligent help. As a result, this second edition is an essentially rewritten text. Advance in the prevention of human suffering is based on a thorough understand­ ing of the nature of disease. I hope that this text will continue to be of service in this behalf. Perhaps it may also reflect and foster the intellectual curiosity which makes the 'reading of brains' so interesting an occupation. Gottingen, 1989 Reinhard L. Introduction: Normal Development and Basic Reactions.- 1. Gross and Microscopic Development of the Central Nervous System.- 2. Some Features of Basic Reactions Characteristic for Immature Nervous Tissue.- First Part: Acquired Lesions in Newborns and Infants.- 3. Porencephaly, Hydranencephaly, Multicystic Encephalopathy.- 4. Hemorrhages in Asphyxiated Premature Infants.- 5. Lesions of Traumatic Birth and Other Causes of Hemorrhage.- 6. Perinatal Lesions of White Matter.- 7. Perinatal Lesions of Gray Matter.- 8. Postnatal Lesions of Gray Matter.- 9. Kernicterus (Bilirubin Encephalopathy).- 10. Arterial Diseases in Infancy.- 11. Thrombosis of Intracranial Sinus and Veins.- 12. Cerebral Lesions in Congenital Cardiac Disease.- 13. Craniocerebral Trauma in Infancy.- 14. Infections of the Fetus.- 15. Purulent Leptomeningitis in Newborns and Infants.- 16. Meningoencephalitic Processes in the Peri- and Postnatal Periods, Including CNS Involvement by some Hematologic Diseases.- 17. Subdural Hematomas, Hygromas and Effusions.- 18. Meningeal Cysts.- 19. Hydrocephalus — Basic Concepts and General Pathology.- 20. Hydrocephalus — Special Pathology.- Second Part: Malformations.- 21. Spina Bifida and Related Spinal Lesions.- 22. Forms of Hindbrain Crowding, Including the Arnold-Chiari Malformation.- 23. Anencephaly, Rachischisis, Encephaloceles and Related Lesions, Syndromes with Encephaloceles.- 24. Ventral Dysraphic and Various Sacral Lesions.- 25. Disturbances in Bulk Growth: Megalencephaly, Micrencephaly, Atelencephaly and Others.- 26. Dysplasias of the Cerebral Hemispheres.- 27. Dysplasias of Cerebral Cortex.- 28. Dysplasias of Cerebellum.- 29. Dysplasias of Cerebellar Cortex.- 30. Dysplasias of Brain Stem and Spinal Cord.- 31. Dysplasias in Chromosome Anomalies.- 32. Dysplasias of Cerebral Vessels.- Third Part: Metabolic Diseases.- 33. Diseases of Carbohydrate Metabolism.- 34. Sphingolipidoses.- 35. Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis and Miscellaneous Lipidoses.- 36. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (Sulfatase A Deficiency) and Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency.- 37. Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy.- 38. Peroxisomal Diseases.- 39. Mitochondrial Diseases.- 40. Spongy Myelinopathies.- 41. Diseases of Amino Acid Metabolism.- 42. Patchy Myelinopathies: Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease, Cockayne Syndrome, and Others, also Including a Review of Primary Cerebral Mineralizations.- 43. Alexander Disease.- 44. Axon Dystrophies.

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