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Finite Element Anly,2E at Meripustak

Finite Element Anly,2E by KRISHNAMURTHY, McGraw Hill

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Books from same Publisher: McGraw Hill

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  • General Information  
    PublisherMcGraw Hill
    Publish YearJanuary 2008


    McGraw Hill Finite Element Anly,2E by KRISHNAMURTHY

    A comprehensive text presenting a detailed description of the theory along with computer programs aht can be readily used by students and practicing engineers for stress analysis. The finite element formulations are developed through easy-to-follow derivations for the analysis of plane stress/strain and axisy mmetric solid, plate bending, three-dimensional solid and shell problems. About the book A comprehensive text presenting a detailed description of the theory along with computer programs that can be readily used by students and practicing engineers for stress analysis. The finite element formulations are developed through easy-to-follow derivations for the analysis of plane stress/strain and axisy mmetric solid, plate-bending, three-dimensional solid and shell problems. Key features A unified treatment is provided for the analysis of framed structures based on the finite element displacement mode! so that the reader gets the tools necessary for the stress/structural analysis of all types of problems in a single text. To increase the scope of application, a new chapter on Condition Heat Transfer has been added in this edition. A unique feature of this book is the development and presentation of a general purpose computer program 'PASSFEM, with an element library for six types of elements with three element shapes for each type of stress analysis. The listing of the programs is given in Appendices 1 to 8. A separate chapter on FEA software has been devoted to highlight the capabilities of and current trends in FEA packages . Finite element analysis is a powerful numerical tools and in order to help students master the techniques, 190 problems are given as student exercises under various chapter in this edition. With its simple style and extensive coverage, this is an indispensable texst for undergraduate engineering students as well as practicing engineers.

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