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Handbook of Imaging in Pulmonary Disease 2021 Edition at Meripustak

Handbook of Imaging in Pulmonary Disease 2021 Edition by Subha Ghosh , Springer

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Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Subha Ghosh
    Publish YearJune 2021


    Springer Handbook of Imaging in Pulmonary Disease 2021 Edition by Subha Ghosh

    This book is a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to pulmonary imaging. Medical Imaging is one of the cornerstones of modern medicine, and nowhere is this more apparent than pulmonary disease. We have come a long way from the days of chest radiography, though the chest radiograph still remains the single most common imaging test ordered worldwide. Pulmonary disease is now routinely evaluated with ultra-modern computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scanners, while ultrasonography plays a limited role in critical care and pleural/chest wall diseases. Rapid advancements in the sub-specialty of chest imaging and an exponential increase in the knowledge of pulmonary disease have led to an increasing demand for a comprehensive yet easily digestible handbook of pulmonary imaging, which prepackages knowledge in a form that can be easily understood and readily visualized with high-quality representative images.This book answers that need by providing the most important, relevant medical knowledge needed to handle pulmonary cases. It is divided into two sections, neoplastic disease and non-neoplastic disease. Chapters detail essential information about each disease, including presentation and the different modalities used to accurately diagnose and/or plan treatment. Major topics that are covered include bronchogenic carcinoma and other lung tumors, COPD, ILD, developmental lung disorders, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary infections. Each chapter includes extensive radiographic images to give a complete perspective on how these diseases present. Readers can easily see what the radiology of a particular disease entity looks like, what would be the differential diagnoses for a particular imaging abnormality, and compare the bullet review points associated with an image to their particular case.This is an ideal guide for general and thoracic radiologists, pulmonary, sleep medicine, and critical care specialists, thoracic surgeons, as well as residents and all clinicians who treat patients with pulmonary disease.

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