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Inequality in Australia 2015 Edition at Meripustak

Inequality in Australia 2015 Edition by Alastair Greig, Frank Lewins, Kevin White , Cambridge

Books from same Author: Alastair Greig, Frank Lewins, Kevin White

Books from same Publisher: Cambridge

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Alastair Greig, Frank Lewins, Kevin White
    Publish YearMay 2015


    Cambridge Inequality in Australia 2015 Edition by Alastair Greig, Frank Lewins, Kevin White

    This text seeks to analyse and explain inequality, challenging traditional conceptions and providing a new critical perspective. The authors provide a comprehensive historical account of inequality, and show how that account no longer adequately explains the new and different forms experienced in recent decades. They argue that transformations in industrial, familial and political relations since the 1970s must be taken into account when trying to come to grips with the 'new' inequalities. As society has changed, new forms of inequality have emerged, conditioning the subject's very experience of identity, embodiment and politics. Inequality is understood, then, not as something that can be determined only with reference to traditional categories such as class but as that which works more insidiously. The authors demonstrate, for example, how bio and medical technologies produce inequalities. The book is at once a critical overview of contemporary inequality and a thorough-going textbook suitable for undergraduates. Table of contents :- 1. Introduction; Part I. The Body, Society and Inequality: 2. Inequality and the sociology of the body; 3. Sick bodies and inequality: class, mortality and morbidity; 4. Gendered, aged and disabled bodies; Part II. The Self, Society and Understandings of Inequality: 5. Experiencing the inequality of social resources; 6. Experiencing the inequality of cultural difference; 7. Experiencing the inequality of life chances; Part III. Politics, Society and Inequality: 8. Collective identity, politics and the myth of egalitarianism; 9. Citizenship, nation building and political struggles for equality; 10. The contested nature of inequality in contemporary Australia.

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