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Little Maryam by Hamid Baig, Notion Press

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hamid Baig
    PublisherNotion Press
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearJanuary 2018


    Notion Press Little Maryam by Hamid Baig

    “Little Maryam is a compelling story, filled with pain and heart, and culminating in such a poignant and original twist, it stayed with me for days after I put the book down.” - Author Francine LaSala, A Comfortable Madness What sacrifices are we willing to make for love? While giving a speech for his Nobel Prize nomination, Dr. Saadiq Haider receives a phone call that changes his life. Abandoning his duties and responsibilities, Saadiq hurriedly boards a flight bound for India, embarking on a journey that spans thousands of miles and pulls him back into a past long-buried. Seated next to him on the flight, Anne Miller—an intrepid journalist with a nose for headline news—senses the reclusive genius has a bigger story to tell, and she’s going to get it. With some coaxing Saadiq transports Anne back in time to a small, sleepy town nestled in the mountains of northern India, where the friendship between Maryam and Saadiq matures into an intense love; a love that is tested when tragedy strikes. Now, after two decades of trying to forget his past, Saadiq tells Anne that fate has acted again; Maryam is the hospital, her condition critical. Months later, Anne learns that after wrenching Maryam from the indomitable grip of death, Saadiq took her back to America, where they finally married. But her assumption that the greatest love story she had ever known would end happily, is absolutely shattered.

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