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Multidisciplinary Teaching Atlas of the Pancreas Radiological Surgical and Pathological Correlations 1st Editon 2016 Softbound at Meripustak

Multidisciplinary Teaching Atlas of the Pancreas Radiological Surgical and Pathological Correlations 1st Editon 2016 Softbound by Javier Casillas, Joe U. Levi, Alexander O. Quiroz, Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, Monica T. Garcia-Buitrago, Danny Sleeman, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Javier Casillas, Joe U. Levi, Alexander O. Quiroz, Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, Monica T. Garcia-Buitrago, Danny Sleeman
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearAugust 2016


    Springer Multidisciplinary Teaching Atlas of the Pancreas Radiological Surgical and Pathological Correlations 1st Editon 2016 Softbound by Javier Casillas, Joe U. Levi, Alexander O. Quiroz, Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, Monica T. Garcia-Buitrago, Danny Sleeman

    This innovative teaching atlas provides the reader with a practical approach to the diagnosis and management of the common and uncommon diseases that may involve the pancreatic gland. Its perspective is multidisciplinary, the authors being radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, and gastroenterologists who have worked together for the past 25 years. Very concise descriptions of clinical presentation, pathology, imaging, and management are provided for a great variety of pathologic conditions, and a wealth of illustrative material displays intraoperative appearances, gross specimens, histology, and radiological findings. Pancreatic surgery, including transplantation, is also discussed, and the final chapter presents a gallery of challenging and diverse cases. Specialists and residents in a range of specialties will find this atlas to be an invaluable aid, and it will also serve as an excellent reference for medical students. General: Embryology of the pancreas.- Anatomy of the pancreas.- Histology of the pancreas.- Physiology of the pancreas.- Imagenology of the pancreas.- Cystic Masses of the Pancreas: Serous Cystadenomas.- Mucinous Cystoadenomas.- Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm. Solid Masses of the Pancreas: Neuroendocrine Tumors.- Pancreatic adenocarcinoma.- Acinar tumor of the pancreas.- Pancreatic Lymphoma.- Unusual tumor of the pancreas.- Pancreatic metastases.- Inflammatory Conditions of the Pancreas: Acute pancreatitis.- Chronic pancreatitis.- Pancreatic pseudocyst.- Autoimmune pancreatitis.- Trauma of the Pancreas: Pancreatic Trauma.- Pancreatic Surgery: Pancreas transplant.- Surgical Procedures of the Pancreas.- Gallery of Cases.

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