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Object Oriented Programming With Prototypes 1994 Edition at Meripustak

Object Oriented Programming With Prototypes 1994 Edition by Gunther Blaschek, Springer

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Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Gunther Blaschek
    Publish YearFebruary 1994


    Springer Object Oriented Programming With Prototypes 1994 Edition by Gunther Blaschek

    Object-oriented programming is a popular buzzword these days. What is the reason for this popularity? Is object-oriented programming the solution to the software crisis or is it just a fad? Is it a simple evolutionary step or a radical change in software methodology? What is the central idea behind object-orien- ted design? Are there special applications for which object-oriented program- ming is particularly suited? Which object-oriented language should be used? There is no simple answer to these questions. Although object-oriented programming was invented more than twenty years ago, we still cannot claim that we know everything about this programming technique. Many new con- cepts have been developed during the past decade, and new applications and implications of object-oriented programming are constantly being discovered. This book can only try to explain the nature of object-oriented program- ming in as much detail as possible. It should serve three purposes. First, it is intended as an introduction to the basic concepts of object-oriented program- ming.Second, the book describes the concept of prototypes and explains why and how they can improve the way in which object-oriented programs are developed. Third, it introduces the programming language Omega, an object- oriented language that was designed with easy, safe and efficient software development in mind.

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