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Operative Techniques In Orthopaedic Surgical Oncology 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Operative Techniques In Orthopaedic Surgical Oncology 2Nd Edition by James C Wittig and Edited by Martin M Malawer and Edited by Jacob Bickels and Editor in chief Sam W Wiesel, Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)James C Wittig and Edited by Martin M Malawer and Edited by Jacob Bickels and Editor in chief Sam W Wiesel
    PublisherWolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearMarch 2016


    Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Operative Techniques In Orthopaedic Surgical Oncology 2Nd Edition by James C Wittig and Edited by Martin M Malawer and Edited by Jacob Bickels and Editor in chief Sam W Wiesel

    Derived from Sam W. Wiesel's four-volume Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, this single-volume resource contains the user-friendly, step-by-step information you need to confidently perform the full range of operative techniques in surgical oncology. In one convenient place, you'll find the entire Surgical Oncology section from Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. Superb full-color illustrations and step-by-step explanations help you master surgical techniques, select the best procedure, avoid complications, and anticipate outcomes. Written by global experts from leading institutions, Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgical Oncology, 2nd Edition, provides authoritative, easy-to-follow guidance to both the novice trainee or experienced surgeon. Key Features * Step-by-step procedures are illustrated with outstanding full-color intraoperative photographs and drawings that demonstrate how to perform each technique.* Each clinical problem is discussed in the same concise format: definition, anatomy, contraindications, imaging, surgical management, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications.* Detailed descriptions of surgical anatomy help you master even the most challenging and highly technical procedures.* Extensive use of bullet points and a highly templated format allow for quick and easy reference.* Ideal for quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure, whether a familiar standard or a new and evolving technique.Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:*Complete content with enhanced navigation*Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web*Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation*Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text* Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues*Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use

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