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Pheochromocytoma 1st Editon 2011 Softbound at Meripustak

Pheochromocytoma 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by W.M. Manger, R.W. Jr. Gifford, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)W.M. Manger, R.W. Jr. Gifford
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearNovember 2011


    Springer Pheochromocytoma 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by W.M. Manger, R.W. Jr. Gifford

    This monograph, which was more than five years in preparation, represents a very detailed account of pheochromocytoma, a tumor that is almost invariably lethal if untreated. In addition to its definitive presentation of the subject, this volume contains the most cur­ rent information regarding the diagnosis and management of pheochromocytoma. It is im­ portant to reemphasize the seriousness of diagnosing and treating pheochromocytoma with the aphorism of Esperson and Dahl­ Iversen that although a pheochromocytoma may be morphologically benign it is physio­ logically malignant (280) and with Aranow's characterization of this tumor as a 'veritable pharmacological bomb' (20). If managed ap­ propriately by a highly skilled and profes­ sional 'bomb squad,' this tumor can be re­ moved and the patient cured in at least 90 percent of cases. The secret lies in first sus­ pecting and recognizing the patient who has and then offering the ex­ pheochromocytoma pert management such a patient requires. These facts more than justify this publication, since the internist, pediatrician, obstetrician, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, urologist, neurologist, surgeon, anesthesiologist, derma­ tologist, psychiatrist, radiologist, and also the dentist must be made acutely aware of the varied manifestations of this condition and of the pathologic entities which sometimes co- xiv Preface exist with pheochromocytoma. Furthermore, have included a large number of instructive they should have a thorough knowledge of the figures and have emphasized teaching tables. 1 Background and Importance.- Magnitude of the Hypertensive Problem.- Incidence of Pheochromocytoma.- Historical.- 2 Catecholamine Metabolism: Biosynthesis, Storage, Release, and Inactivation.- General Remarks.- Sympathetic Nerves.- Chromaffin Cells.- Pheochromocytomas.- 3 Origin, Pathopharmacology, and Pathology.- Nomenclature.- Embryology.- Etiology (Sporadic and Familial).- Age of Occurrence and Sex Predilection.- Location.- Weight and Size.- Physiologic and Pharmacologic Effects.- Gross and Microscopic Appearance.- Ultrastructure.- Malignant Pheochromocytoma.- Pathologic Complications.- 4 Clinical Manifestations.- Frequency and Occurrence of Attacks.- Symptoms.- Signs.- Signs of Complications.- Atypical Manifestations.- Pathologic Entities Sometimes Associated with Pheochromocytoma.- 5 Differential Diagnosis.- General Remarks.- Hypertension.- Anxiety or Psychiatric Disorder.- Hyperthyroidism.- Paroxysmal Tachycardia (Atrial and Nodal).- Hyperdynamic ?-Adrenergic Circulatory State.- Menopause.- Vasodilating Headaches.- Coronary Insufficiency Syndrome.- Acute Hypertensive Encephalopathy.- Diabetes Mellitus.- Renal Parenchymal or Renal Arterial Disease with Hypertension.- Focal Arterial Insufficiency of the Brain.- Intracranial Lesions (With or Without Increased Intracranial Pressure).- Autonomic Hyperreflexia.- Diencephalic Seizure (Autonomic Seizure or Epilepsy; Visceral Seizures) and Syndrome.- Toxemia of Pregnancy (Preeclampsia and Eclampsia).- Hypertensive Crises and Monoamine.- Oxidase Inhibitors.- Carcinoid Tumors.- Hypoglycemia.- Mastocytosis.- Familial Dysautonomia (Riley-Day Syndrome).- Acrodynia (“Pink Disease”).- Neuroblastoma, Ganglioneuroblastoma, and Ganglioneuroma.- Acute Infectious Disease.- Rare Causes of Paroxysmal Hypertension.- Fortuitous Circumstances Simulating Pheochromocytoma.- Potential Secondary Diagnoses.- 6 Diagnosis.- General Remarks.- A Guide for Screening.- Pheochromocytoma “Pearls”.- Laboratory Findings.- Electrocardiographic Changes.- Pharmacologic Tests in the Diagnosis of Pheochromocytoma.- Biochemical Tests.- Preoperative Localization of Pheochromocytoma.- 7 Studies on 38 Patients with Pheochromocytoma in Whom Catecholamines Were Determined.- Case Reports.- Blood Pressure and Catecholamine Concentration in Plasma and Tumors of Patients with Pheochromocytoma.- Correlation between Catecholamines in Pheochromocytomas and Elevations of Plasma Catecholamines Due to Actively Secreting Tumors.- Analysis of Findings on 38 Patients with Pheochromocytoma.- Discussion.- 8 Treatment.- Preoperative Evaluation.- Operative Management.- Management of Extraadrenal Pheochromocytomas.- Management of Pheochromocytomas during Pregnancy.- Effect of Anesthesia and Tumor Palpation on Blood Pressure and Plasma Catecholamines.- Operative Mortality and Morbidity.- Recovery Room Observations.- Postoperative Follow-up.- 9 Comments and Conclusions.

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