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Prostate Cancer Methods and Protocols 1st Editon 2014 Softbound at Meripustak

Prostate Cancer Methods and Protocols 1st Editon 2014 Softbound by Pamela J. Russell, Paul Jackson, Elizabeth A. Kingsley, Humana Press

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Pamela J. Russell, Paul Jackson, Elizabeth A. Kingsley
    PublisherHumana Press
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearAugust 2014


    Humana Press Prostate Cancer Methods and Protocols 1st Editon 2014 Softbound by Pamela J. Russell, Paul Jackson, Elizabeth A. Kingsley

    Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer in men in Western society. A major concern, and an area of intensive research, involves understanding why certain prostate cancers remain localized or indolent, whereas others become aggressive and metastasize. The differences between these cancer types have profound implications for patients and physicians. Indolent d- ease, which grows very slowly, generally does not cause any problems to the patient, whereas aggressive disease requires immediate treatment, the earlier the better. At present, there are no markers that discriminate between these two entities, thus causing a dilemma for the management of patients who have recently been diagnosed. The aim of Prostate Cancer Methods and Protocols is to explore cutting-edge molecular methods that may have the potential to reveal markers of disease for use in more accurate diagnoses of prostate c- cer and, consequently, to lead to new treatment strategies. This book provides a comprehensive collection of both in vitro and in vivo step-by-step protocols currently used by leaders in prostate cancer research, advice on approaches that can be used in the study of prostate cancer, as well as reviews covering areas less amenable to laboratory research, such as environmental factors in prostate cancer, to provide the reader with an overview of the prostate cancer research field as it currently stands. Epidemiological Investigation of Prostate Cancer.- Human Prostate Cancer Cell Lines.- Growth of Prostatic Epithelial and Stromal Cells In Vitro.- Prostate Epithelial Stem Cell Isolation and Culture.- Generation of Immortal Human Prostate Cell Lines for the Study of Prostate Cancer.- Spheroids of Prostate Tumor Cell Lines.- Animal Models of Prostate Cancer.- Transgenic Mouse Models for Prostate Cancer.- In Vivo Models of Human Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis.- Effects of Fixation on Tissues.- Background, Methods, and Protocols for the Histopathological Diagnosis of Prostate Carcinoma.- Realizing the Potential of Ejaculate/Seminal Fluid in Detecting and Predicting Natural History.- Bisulfite Methylation Analysis of Tumor Suppressor Genes in Prostate Cancer from Fresh and Archival Tissue Samples.- Production and Characterization of Antipeptide Kallikrein 4 Antibodies.- The Androgen Receptor CAG Repeat and Prostate Cancer Risk.- Studies on Androgen Receptor Mutations and Amplification in Human Prostate Cancer.- Proteomics in the Analysis of Prostate Cancer.- Application of Gene Microarrays in the Study of Prostate Cancer.- Enhancer Trap Method Using a Green Fluorescent Protein Reporter Plasmid for Cloning Tissue-Specific Enhancers Active in Prostate Cells.- Targeted Alpha Therapy of Prostate Cancer.- Phenotypic and Functional Differences of Dendritic Cells Generated Under Different In Vitro Conditions.- Flavonoid Compounds in the Prevention and Treatment of Prostate Cancer.

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