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Recognising Adoptee Relationships 1st Edition 2022 Softbound at Meripustak

Recognising Adoptee Relationships 1st Edition 2022 Softbound by Lewis, Christine A., Taylor and Francis Ltd

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Lewis, Christine A.
    PublisherTaylor and Francis Ltd
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearAugust 2022


    Taylor and Francis Ltd Recognising Adoptee Relationships 1st Edition 2022 Softbound by Lewis, Christine A.

    Part I: Affects of Gender; 1. The Affect of Gender, Gender of Affect; 2. The Intense Germinal Influx: Affect as Engendering in Deleuze and Guattari; 3. Pussyhats and Women's Marches: Affective Tension in Transnational Feminism; 4. Trans Negative Affect; 5. Against Typologies: Affect and Masculinity Studies; Part II: Affective Relations, Relational Affects; 6. "Routine Discombobulations": Affect, Access, and Attention in Disability Encounters; 7. Serena Williams and Anti-Black Woman Hate: Contempt, Love, Friendship, Shame; 8. [What Is an Asian American Style?]; 9. Affect and Gender-Based Violence: Event, Atmosphere, Memory; 10. Brotherhood as Affective Disengagement: Male Loyalty from Family to Nation; 11. Gender and Transport: Affective Structures and Practices; 12. Greening Guilt: Gender and Sustainable Influencing; 13. Thinking|Feeling Animality: Posthuman-Feminist Perspectives; 14. Military Masculinities and In/Human Affects; Part III: Affective Practices; 15. Capitalizing Affect: On Masculinity and Neoliberalism; 16. Two Modes of Corporate/Neoliberal Masculinity: The Founder and Silicon Valley; 17. 'Next to Being': The Biopolitics of Prison Visitation and the Senses of Justice; 18. Affective Pedagogies, and Pedagogies of Affect: Gender, Solidarity, and the Classroom in the Trigger Warning Debates; 19. Reimaging Affect in the Linguistics of Gender; 20. Thinking Affect (Back) into Oral History, Part IV: Representing Affects; 21. Feminist Aesthetics of Resistance; 22. From the Story of an Eye to a Cinema of Bodies; 23. Affective Justice: Raising the Dead in Trans* Archival Media; 24. Mediating Gender and Affect through History; 25. Queerness, Race, and Affect on "Peak Tumblr": A Eulogy; 26. Noisy Majority: Gender, Affect, and the Urban Soundscape; 27. The Reach of Excess Through the Prism of Voice-Affect-Gender; 28. Musical Affects, Gender, and Ethopoiesis: Mimesis as Performativity in Plato's Republic; 29. Donald Trump Isn't Laughing: Affect, Laughter, and Hegemonic Masculinity; 30. The Poetics and Politics of Affect: Caroline Bergvall, M. NourbeSe Philip, and Rachel Zolf; 31. What does the Body Know?: Dance as Affective Practice in the Exploration of the Embodiment of Gender; 32. Rehearsing a Cursi Commons: Receptivity, Defense, and Wonder; Part V: Geographical and Spatial Affects; 33. Queer Nightscapes: Touching Nightlife in Neoliberal Mexico; 34. Affective Witnessing of the Hijab: A Self-Inflicted Trauma; 35. Memorializing African Being and Becoming in the Atlantic World: Affective Herstories by Yaa Gyasi and Bernardine Evaristo; 36. Speculative Mattering: Affect and the Stone that Becomes Valuable in Deep Time; Part VI: Affects of History, Histories of Affect; 37. Queering Affects, Temporalities, and Histories; 38. Trans-Temporality: Hermeneutic Affect and Queer/Trans of Color Critique; 39. Political Affect, Gender, and the Theater in Classical Athens; 40. Sticky Affect and Shifting Gender in Late Medieval England: The Making of the Shrew; 41. Religious Affect, Gender Embodiment, and Renaissance Form; 42. The Philosophers Versus the Sponge: Feeling Early Modern; 43. Toward a Feminist Fellow-Feeling: Affective Experiments in the Enlightenment; 44. Austen's Women and the Errant Affect of the Early Novel; 45. Bad Investments?: Masculine Affective Economies in the French Restauration Novel

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