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Rural Agriculture Marketing at Meripustak

Rural Agriculture Marketing by Prashant S Bodake And Srinivasan Iyengar & Prakash J Kshirsagar Compiled By Anil Pande & Snehal A Khanvilkar, NIPA

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Prashant S Bodake And Srinivasan Iyengar & Prakash J Kshirsagar Compiled By Anil Pande & Snehal A Khanvilkar
    Publish YearJanuary 2024


    NIPA Rural Agriculture Marketing by Prashant S Bodake And Srinivasan Iyengar & Prakash J Kshirsagar Compiled By Anil Pande & Snehal A Khanvilkar

    This book examines the relationship between Rural Market Strategies and the Consumer Decision-Making Process, with an emphasis on the factors that shape marketing dynamics in rural areas. It delves into Rural Marketing Strategies, providing insights into tailored approaches that take into account the unique challenges and opportunities present in rural markets. The book emphasizes the importance of innovation and diffusion in rural markets, as they play a crucial role in shaping strategies that cater to the specific needs and preferences of rural consumers.The book further explores the intricacies of Rural Distribution Systems, differentiating distribution strategies for consumer and industrial goods in rural contexts. It highlights the diverse considerations that need to be taken into account in these sectors. The role of Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees is also discussed, as they play a significant role in regulating and optimizing the distribution of agricultural products in rural areas.This book examines the role of Information Communication & Technology (ICT) in the context of Rural Marketing, with a focus on key aspects and tools. It begins by examining Marketing Communications and Channels, emphasizing the critical role of effective communication in rural marketing strategies. Finally, the book highlights specific tools such as eNAM and AGMARKNET, illustrating their significance as ICT tools that play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and transparency of rural marketing processes.The book also focuses on Market Support in the context of rural marketing, highlighting key elements that contribute to the development and sustenance of rural markets.

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