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Self-Determination Statehood and the Law of Negotiation: The Case of Palestine at Meripustak

Self-Determination Statehood and the Law of Negotiation: The Case of Palestine by Dr Robert P. Jr. Barnidge, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Dr Robert P. Jr. Barnidge
    PublisherBloomsbury Publishing PLC
    Publish YearApril 2018


    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Self-Determination Statehood and the Law of Negotiation: The Case of Palestine by Dr Robert P. Jr. Barnidge

    From the Madrid Invitation in 1991 to the introduction of the Oslo process in 1993 to the present a negotiated settlement has remained the dominant leitmotiv of peacemaking between Israel and the Palestinian people. That the parties have chosen negotiations means that either sides failure to comply with its obligation to negotiate can result in an internationally wrongful act and in response countermeasures and other responses. This monograph seeks to advance our understanding of the international law of negotiation and use this as a framework for assessing the Israeli-Palestinian dispute with the Palestinian peoples unsuccessful attempt to join the United Nations as a Member State in autumn 2011 and the successful attempt to join the same institution as a non-Member Observer State in November 2012 providing a case study for this. The legal consequences of these applications are not merely of historical interest; they inform the present rights and obligations of Israel and the Palestinian people. This work fills a significant gap in the existing international law scholarship on the Israeli-Palestinian dispute which neither engages with this means of dispute settlement generally nor does so specifically within the context of the Palestinian peoples engagements with international institutions.Based on primary research this book explores materials that were not analyzed before. It treats a highly political issue with scientific objectivity that strikes a balance between various points of view. The book will be an essential reading to all those involved in peace studies international negotiations and Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Mutaz M Qafisheh Associate Professor of International Law Hebron University.A compelling and innovative account of the legal aspects of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict: a must read.Efraim Karsh Kings College London and Bar-Ilan University author of Palestine Betrayed.A superbly imagined and executed study on Palestine that puts the negotiation imperative at the heart of its narrative fully interrogating the involvement of public international law at each step of the long and layered history that is vigorously brought to life in these pages. A study that also promises texture nuance and depth to the legal analysis it offers-and it delivers handsomely on each of these fronts.-Dino Kritsiotis Chair of Public International Law & Head of the International Humanitarian Law Unit University of Nottingham.show more

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