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Social Movements 2008 Edition by Vincenzo Ruggiero, Nicola Montagna , Taylor & Francis Ltd

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Vincenzo Ruggiero, Nicola Montagna
    PublisherTaylor & Francis Ltd
    Publish YearOctober 2008


    Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Movements 2008 Edition by Vincenzo Ruggiero, Nicola Montagna

    This timely Reader plays an important role in the field of social movements. It fills a significant gap by covering a number of connected areas within social studies. Responding to growing demand for interpretation and analysis of re-emerging social conflicts in the developed, as well as the developing world, this timely collection is the outcome of the recent boost received by social movement studies since the spread of contention and collective action at international level and the growth of the 'anti-globalization' movement. Intended not only as a comprehensive introduction for undergraduates and postgraduates studying social movements, this volume also provides a truly global perspective, combining classic sociological thought and contemporary concerns. This book provides an essential guide to 'who is who' in the field of social movement studies and includes reflective and documentary material on contemporary conflicts. This volume is also an incredibly valuable resource for more general modules on sociological theory, global sociology, the history of sociological thought, contemporary social theory, and international and globalization studies. Part 1: Conflict and Collective Action. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: The Communist Manifesto. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Karl Marx: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Emile Durkheim: The Division of Labour in Society. Emile Durkheim: The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. Georg Simmel: Conflict (On Individuality and Social Forms). Gustave Le Bon: The crowd. Part 2: Hegemony and Collective Behaviour. Max Weber: The City. Max Weber: Class, Status, Party. Antonio Gramsci: Notes on Italian History. Antonio Gramsci: The Modern Prince. Herbert Blumer: Social Movements. William Kornhauser: The Politics of Mass Society. Neil Smelser: Theory of Collective Behaviour. Part 3: Resource Mobilisation. Mancur Olson: The Logic of Collective Action. Anthony Oberschall: Social Conflict and Social Movements. John McCarthy and Mayer Zald: Resource Mobilisation and Social Movements: A Partial Theory. Craig Jenkins: Resource Mobilisation Theory and the Study of Social Movements. Gerard Marwell and Pamela Oliver: The Critical Mass in Collective Action. Part 4: Social Movements and the Political Process. Sidney Tarrow: Power in Movement. Sara Evans: Personal Politics. Peter K. Eisinger: The Conditions of Protest behaviour in American Cities. Hanspeter Kriesi and Dominique Wisler: Social Movements and Direct Democracy in Switzerland. Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward: Poor People's Movements. Doug McAdam: Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency 1930-1970. Charles Tilly: Social Movements and National Politics. Part 5: New Social Movements. Jurgen Habermas: New Social Movements. Claus Offe: New Social Movements: Challenging the Boundaries of Institutional Politics. Alain Touraine: An Introduction to the Study of Social Movements. Alberto Melucci: A Strange Kind of Newness: What's 'New' in New Social Movements?. Carol Mueller: Conflict Networks and the Origin of Women's Liberation. Arturo Escobar and Sonia Alvarez: Theory and Protest in Latin America Today. Part 6: New Directions. Bert Klandermans: Mobilisation and participation: Social-Psychological Expansions of Resource Mobilisation Theory. David Snow et al: Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilisation and Movement Participation. Mario Diani: The Concept of Social Movement. Ron Eyerman and Andrew Jamison: Social Movements: A Cognitive Approach. Doug McAdam, John McCarthy and Mayer Zald: Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. Craig Calhoun: Putting Emotions in Their Place. Part 7: New Global Movements. Arjun Appadurai: Grassroots Globalisation. Marjorie Mayo: Globalisation and Gender: New Threats, New Strategies. Jackie Smith:Globalizing Resistance: The Battle of Seattle and the Future of Social Movements. Sanjeev Khagram, James V. Riker and Kathyn Sikkink: From Santiago to Seattle: Transnational Advocacy Groups Restructuring World Politics. Donatella Della Porta and Sidney Tarrow: Transnational Protest and Global Activism. Nicola Montagna: Social Movements and Global Mobilisations. Vincenzo Ruggiero: Dichotomies and Contemporary Social Movements. Index

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