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Study Guide For Nursing Research Methods And Critical Appraisal For Evidence Based Practice 8Th Edition at Meripustak

Study Guide For Nursing Research Methods And Critical Appraisal For Evidence Based Practice 8Th Edition by Lobiondo Wood G , Elsevier Science

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Lobiondo Wood G
    PublisherElsevier Science
    Publish YearMarch 2014


    Elsevier Science Study Guide For Nursing Research Methods And Critical Appraisal For Evidence Based Practice 8Th Edition by Lobiondo Wood G

    This essential study guide is completely updated to reflect the evidence-based focus and fresh content of the 7th edition of Nursing Research. It provides chapter-by-chapter review and a variety of innovative learning activities to help you strengthen your critical appraisal and research application skills.

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