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Technological Advances In Surgery Trauma And Critical Care at Meripustak

Technological Advances In Surgery Trauma And Critical Care by LATIFI R , SPRINGER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)LATIFI R
    Publish YearSeptember 2015


    SPRINGER Technological Advances In Surgery Trauma And Critical Care by LATIFI R

    This text is designed to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the major issues specific to technological advances the field trauma, critical care and many aspects of surgical science and practice. Care of these patients and clinical conditions can be quite complex, and materials have been collected from the most current, evidence-based resources. The sections of the text have been structured to review the overall scope of issues dealing with trauma, critical care and surgery, including cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, urology, gynecology and obstetrics, fetal surgery and orthopedics. This volume represents the most comprehensive textbook covering a wide range of topics and technological advances including genomics and nanotechnologies that affect patients' care and surgeons' practice daily. The multidisciplinary authorship includes experts from all aspects of trauma, surgery and critical care. The volume highlights the dramatic changes in the field including hand held devices and smart phones used in daily medical and surgical practice, complex computers in the critical care units around the world, and robotics performing complex surgical procedures and tissue engineering.

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