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Telemedicine in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Development and Implementation in Practice 2020 Edition at Meripustak

Telemedicine in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Development and Implementation in Practice 2020 Edition by Alfred Atanda Jr., John F. Lovejoy III , Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Alfred Atanda Jr., John F. Lovejoy III
    Publish YearNovember 2020


    Springer Telemedicine in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Development and Implementation in Practice 2020 Edition by Alfred Atanda Jr., John F. Lovejoy III

    As the healthcare landscape evolves towards value-based treatment models, healthcare providers will be forced to find ways to deliver healthcare in a cost-effective, resource mindful way that provides good care, all the while maintaining appropriate patient satisfaction. Telemedicine offers a way to achieve this goal, in both rural and urban settings and with a varied and diverse patient population - not to mention during global health emergencies, where in-person visits and consultations are not ideal. This book will serve as an introduction to telemedicine and digital health for the orthopedic and sports medicine provider. It will provide a general overview of telemedicine as well as specific suggestions and recommendations: where and how to get started, how to implement a telemedicine program, how to do research in telemedicine, and how to develop clinical guidelines and best practices for work in telemedicine. Specific chapters cover important nuts-and-bolts topics like regulation and licensing, billing and coding, and ethics and etiquette. Suggestions and considerations for provider-to-provider, direct-to-consumer, and school-based telemedicine service are likewise presented. Finally, insights into global telemedicine implementation and research are detailed. While describing specific applications to orthopedic and sports medicine practices, Telemedicine in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine will cater to any clinician - from the individual solo practitioner to the C-suite level executive - who has a vision for implementation of telemedicine across an entire health system. Table of contents :- 1. History and Evolution of Telemedicine 2. Telemedicine Regulation and Licensing 3. Telemedicine Billing and Coding4. Legal Compliance in Telemedicine5. Ethical Concerns in Telemedicine6. Telemedicine Etiquette7. Virtual Musculoskeletal Examination Using Telemedicine8. Development and Implementation of Telemedicine in Practice9. A Case Study in Telemedicine: Cerebral Palsy10. Provider-to-Provider Telemedicine Consultation11. Direct-to-Consumer Telemedicine12. School-Based Telemedicine Services13. Telemedicine in a Time of Crisis- The COVID-19 Experience14. Global Telemedicine Health and Educational Initiatives15. Telemedicine Research and Quality Assessment

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