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The WomanS Guide to How Men Think 2017 Edition at Meripustak

The WomanS Guide to How Men Think 2017 Edition by Shawn T. Smith, New Harbinger Publications

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Shawn T. Smith
    PublisherNew Harbinger Publications
    Publish YearJuly 2017


    New Harbinger Publications The WomanS Guide to How Men Think 2017 Edition by Shawn T. Smith

    Comedian George Carlin once said, "Women are from earth. Men are from earth. Just deal with it." Though witty, this sentiment fails to recognize one of the real truths in life: that both genders are completely mystified by one another, and often have a mile-long list of complaints for the opposite sex. Yet, generally speaking, both men and women want to get along-especially if there's romance involved. A Woman's Guide to How Men Think offers a practical, humorous, yet compassionate guide for women who want to learn the secrets of the elusive male mind. With author Shawn Smith's trademark humor, you'll come to understand why men think and see the world the way they do, and how to work with men to cultivate understanding and communication in relationships, without expecting men to be creatures that they are not. This isn't a male-bashing book about how men should be more like women, but a book about how men actually are, and how women can use this understanding to get what they need from their relationships.You'll also learn why men often feel frustrated and criticized, how to deal with lack of communication in ways that don't put men on the defensive, and how being curious and compassionate (while not accepting disrespectful or abusive behavior) instead of dismissing men for their inherently male traits can lead to greater understanding between the sexes. The plain truth is that both men and women are from planet earth. But that doesn't mean we are the same. If you are looking for an insider's guide to the ever-elusive male mind, this is the book for you.

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