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What Form of Government for the European Union and the Eurozone? 2015 at Meripustak

What Form of Government for the European Union and the Eurozone? 2015 by Edited by Federico Fabbrini Edited by Ernst Hirsch Ballin Edited by Professor Han Somsen, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Edited by Federico Fabbrini Edited by Ernst Hirsch Ballin Edited by Professor Han Somsen
    PublisherBloomsbury Publishing PLC
    Publish YearOctober 2015


    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC What Form of Government for the European Union and the Eurozone? 2015 by Edited by Federico Fabbrini Edited by Ernst Hirsch Ballin Edited by Professor Han Somsen

    What is the form of government of the European Union (EU)? And how is the institutional governance of the Eurozone evolving? These questions have become pressing during the last few years. On the one hand the Euro-crisis and the legal and institutional responses to it have had major implications on the constitutional architecture of the EU and the Eurozone. On the other hand the May 2014 elections for the European Parliament and the ensuing struggle to form the European Commission have brought to the fore new tensions in the EU political system. The purpose of this book which brings together the contributions of EU lawyers comparative constitutional lawyers and political scientists from all over Europe and the United States is to offer a new look at the form of government of the EU and the Eurozone and consider its potential for future development. While offering a plurality of perspectives on the form of government of the EU and the Eurozone this book emphasises how the Euro-crisis represents a watershed in the process of European integration makes the case for a more legitimate and effective form of government for the EU and the Eurozone and identifies possible windows of opportunity for future treaty reforms. The volume will provide food for thought for scholars policy-makers and the public at large as they continue debating the most apt form of government for the EU and the Eurozone.show more

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