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What the World Rejected at Meripustak

What the World Rejected by Friedrich Stieve, Ostara Publications

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Friedrich Stieve
    PublisherOstara Publications
    EditionEdition Statement
    Publish YearOctober 2016


    Ostara Publications What the World Rejected by Friedrich Stieve

    Written by Germanys foremost diplomatic historian of the early twentieth century this work maps out all the numerous times that Adolf Hitler made unconditional offers of peace to all the nations of Europeand how the major antiGerman belligerents France and Britain turned down these offers each and every time.The author lists all of Hitlers offers in detail complete with quotes starting with his first offer of May 17 1933 his second offer of December 18 1933 his third offer of May 21 1935 his fourth offer of March 31 1936 his fifth offer of September 30 1938 his sixth offer of December 6 1938 his seventh offer of late 1939 to Poland to settle the Danzig Corridor issue peacefully and finally his offer of world peace on October 6 1939 just over a month after Britain and France had declared war on Germany for invading Poland on September 1 (but not on the Soviet Union which also invaded Poland on September 17).This edition benefits from four new sections which did not appear in the original publication. These are: The full text of Hitlers Appeal for Peace and Sanity speech made before the Reichstag on July 19 1940 following the fall of France. Although nearly half the British cabinet wanted to take up his offer Churchills warmongering put an end to this final offer of peace; Hitlers Political Testament dictated just hours before his death on April 29 1945 wherein he spelled out once again how he had tried to avoid the war and blamed Jewish agitators for the refusal of other nations to accept his peace offers; Hermann Görings final letterfrom this death cell in Nurembergto Winston Churchill in which he blamed the latters warmongering on behalf of Jewish Bolsheviks for the conflict; and An extract from The Forrestal Diaries in which the US Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal quotes British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain as complaining that the world Jews have forced England into the war. Fully reset and illustrated throughout with 22 rare photographs.show more

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