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8051 Microcontroller at Meripustak

8051 Microcontroller by Calcutt D , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Calcutt D
    Publish YearApril 2004


    ELSEVIER 8051 Microcontroller by Calcutt D

    The 8051 architecture developed by Intel has proved to be the most popular and enduring type of microcontroller, available from many manufacturers and widely used for industrial applications and embedded systems as well as being a versatile and economical option for design prototyping, educational use and other project work. In this book the authors introduce the fundamentals and capabilities of the 8051, then put them to use through practical exercises and project work. The result is a highly practical learning experience that will help a wide range of engineers and students to get through the steepest part of the learning curve and become proficient and productive designing with the 8051. The text is also supported by practical examples, summaries and knowledge-check questions. The latest developments in the 8051 family are also covered in this book, with chapters covering flash memory devices and 16-bit microcontrollers.

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