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A History Of Biochemistry-Comprehensive Biochemistry Vol.43 at Meripustak

A History Of Biochemistry-Comprehensive Biochemistry Vol.43 by Semenza G, ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Semenza G
    Publish YearDecember 2004


    ELSEVIER A History Of Biochemistry-Comprehensive Biochemistry Vol.43 by Semenza G

    This book is the latest volume in a highly successful series within Comprehensive Biochemistry and provides a historical and autobiographical perspective of the development of the field through the contributions of leading individuals who reflect on their careers and their impact on biochemistry. The book is essential reading for everybody, from graduate student to professor, placing in context major advances not only in biochemical terms but in relation to historical and social developments. Readers will be delighted by the lively style and the insight into the lives and careers of leading scientists of their time.

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