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Adult Perioperative Anesthesia The Requisites In Anesthesiology at Meripustak

Adult Perioperative Anesthesia The Requisites In Anesthesiology by Michelle Schlunt and Daniel J Cole , ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Michelle Schlunt and Daniel J Cole
    Publish YearJune 2004


    ELSEVIER Adult Perioperative Anesthesia The Requisites In Anesthesiology by Michelle Schlunt and Daniel J Cole

    This volume in the new "Requisites in Anesthesia" series thoroughly but concisely covers the many diverse aspects of adult perioperative anesthesia. It explains all of the basic principles, clinical concepts, and management options involved in providing anesthesia for adult patients undergoing a variety of surgical procedures. And, it discusses recent advances and changing trends in anesthetic care. A user-friendly format, with many at-a-glance tables and boxes, makes clinical information easy to access.

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