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Advanced Engineering Mathematics A Second Course With Matlab at Meripustak

Advanced Engineering Mathematics A Second Course With Matlab by Dean G Duffy, Taylor & Francis/CRC Press

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Dean G Duffy
    PublisherTaylor & Francis/CRC Press
    Publish YearMarch 2022


    Taylor & Francis/CRC Press Advanced Engineering Mathematics A Second Course With Matlab by Dean G Duffy

    This textbook is created from the author's successful, Advanced Engineering Mathematics. The previous volume is now split into two books to offer more flexibility. Reviewers have endorsed the split. The author's best-selling book, Green's Functions, is distilled here, as well as coverage of complex variables, Z and Hilbert transforms, probability and random processes, and a unique coverage of Ito's stochastic calculus. The topics are driven by applications and MatLab is used throughout. This book offers flexibility in a course where many competitors are now over 1000 pages and very expensive. This second book covers topics normally taught in the second or third term of an AEM course.show more

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